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I've got a bad case of lovin' you.

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File 136694176410.jpg - (63.28KB , 393x340 , HandfulOfPeter.jpg )
2405 No. 2405
I'm a 21-year-old female college student. We started dating two years ago, when he was still working on his degree. He's now out in the working world, but he lives near campus and we try to spend as much time together as possible. I've dated other people in the past, but he never had any women interested in him before me.

The only problem is that I don't find him sexually appealing. Everything else is great. We have most values and personality traits in common, but I just don't find him attractive or enjoy sex with him. We've only ever had each other as sexual partners, so I have no one else to compare him to.

How should I attempt to fix my problems with attraction to him? I usually have sex with my eyes closed, or tilting my head in such a way that it looks like I'm writhing in pleasure but can't see his face well. If that doesn't work, should we break up? Am I a bad girlfriend for being bothered by his appearance and not-terribly-desirable sexual technique?
>> No. 2406
Jesus fuck that's an unhealthy relationship. Just stop giving him more hopes and be honest. Then find someone with whom you also actually enjoy being intimate with, on top of that personality thing.
>> No. 2407
>How should I attempt to fix my problems with attraction to him?

I don't think you can really force yourself to be attracted to someone; it might well be a sign that something else is on your mind(s).

It sounds like you don't enjoy sex with him as well as not being attracted to him. I'm assuming here, that the not desirable sexual technique is related to the not desirable appearance; it's not nice to look at or to touch.

I know you think that you're really similar, but there are a lot of people that are similar to you all over the world. Simply having a collection of values together is not really grounds for a relationship. And if you were to talk to him about this issue; you might find out that you're quite different.

If you've not had another experience then I think it's easy to assume 'this is what sex is', but some different experiences could open up several doors for you, and give you different ways of seeing sex. It's your call, to talk to him about this and work through it or to move on. You should do what you want to do; you haven't mentioned:

Anyone else
The word love
Whether you enjoy sex

and you're not a bad person for feeling this way.
>> No. 2408
From a man's perspective, I would be devastated if I found out that I wasn't satisfying my partner. I think it would only be worse if I found out that she had been "putting up with it" for a long time without bringing it up.

>We've only ever had each other as sexual partners, so I have no one else to compare him to.

Normally I would say "talk to him about what you need," but in light of the above, maybe it's time to take a break from him and find out what you do like. I'm not saying you need to go slut it up, but do what you need to in order to find out what makes you happy. You are at a perfect age and place in life to explore your sexuality (though for the sake of your future long term partner please do it safely :) ) and learn to embrace it.
>> No. 2409
The thing about sex is that people tend to behave as though attraction is everything. It's not. If he is bad at sex, you can teach him to do better. Why haven't you asked for what you want?

If it still doesn't work after that, yeah, sure, move on. But it gets up my nose when people don't even try to correct something that's easily fixable. Nobody has to be a bad lay.
>> No. 2419
You're being extremely selfish. Do both yourself and him a favor and end this relationship and find someone with whom you're both physically and emotionally compatible with. Seriously. Don't toy with his emotions like this.

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>> No. 2428
No need to be so harsh.

You're not being a bad girlfriend for disliking his appearance/performance etc. You're just human.
But I do agree with the others who say you should consider moving on, there's someone (lots of them, statistically) out there that's perfect for you and one that's perfect for him.

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