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2393 No. 2393
hey docta, I seek a little advice;

There is a girl I know, sort of. she was a few years younger than me and I knew her in high school through her brother. Her brother and I aren't exactly best friends or anything, merely acquainted now. In fact I don't think I've really talked to him since graduation. We were buds at the time, but I think we only hung out at LANs.

Keep in mind, I moved away from my home town right after I graduated, so seeing/talking to people in person isn't exactly a convenience.

Anyway, his sister, really freakin cute. I never really talked to her that much, I did give her a ride home from school once (about 5 years ago, mind you) and high school was definitely the last time that I've talked to her in person. She and I are friends on facebook, and I think we've only had one conversation, and that was a couple months ago. Since that time there have been frequent liking of the status and pictures, things like that. The girl is obviously aware of my existence. There was the occasional likes prior to our conversation, but it picked up afterward.

So I've just come back to my hometown for an extended amount of time and I'd like to take her out, but I despise doing that sort of thing via facebook. I'm not against doing it, but I'd much rather not. I sort of feel that, that's my only approach in this situation though. Also, I really don't know how I would phrase that I'd like to take her out. Be blunt about it, sure, but I can't really use the "lets catchup" line because we never really knew each other that well in the first place.

So how do you think I should go about doing this? Try to spark a conversation on facebook and slowly lead into she and I hanging out?

pic unrelated
>> No. 2394

am acquainted with a girl, fancy her, don't really know her too well, friends with her on facebook, am trying to figure out how to take her out
>> No. 2395
Use the "let's catch up" line anyway. It doesn't really matter how well you knew each other, and it gives you a low-pressure opening (if you're looking for that).

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