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I've got a bad case of lovin' you.

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2380 No. 2380
It feels like my heart is breaking every time I talk to him. I got involved, knowing that he had the intentions of getting back with his ex. I denied my feelings for him until the very end and now that he's really with her again, it hurts.

We still talk every now and then, once a week or so. I don't believe him when he says that we'll be together again, or that he misses me or that his feelings for me are real. Actions speak louder than words, and he chose her. At the same time, I know I'm so infatuated with him that I wish he'd leave her to be with me. And I'd take him back in a heartbeat. I don't like being second best, the back up plan. I am genuinely upset with him and yet when we start talking I forgive and forget and just feel happy that he's giving me the time of day.

I'm disgusted with myself for living like this. I have been dating since he moved on and I can't feel anything for the men that I have been seeing because I am still wrapped up with my feelings for him. I want to move on, but at the same time I don't, because I want him back. I deserve better than this, but my heart is telling me that he's the only one I want. I know that I'm just another woman with daddy issues, desperate to feel loved and willing to accept situations like this but that's not what I want anymore.

How do I move on? What can I do to start focusing on myself and being happy? I don't want to lose the hope of being with him, but I don't want to be in this situation anymore. I know I deserve better but the desire is still there..
>> No. 2387
I really do love you. Its just hard to be loved.

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>> No. 2401
Whatever you do, don't settle for second best. He chose her. She has won the game, so try to accept your defeat graciously. I suggest you try distancing yourself from him until the feelings have faded, although this might take a long time depending on how infatuated you were with him.
>> No. 2404
If you want to focus on yourself, then work from the base up.

I don't know what your daily routine is, but keep doing what you have to do. Make an effort to eat well, to sleep at the right times and for long enough, drink enough water through the day, listen to music that makes you feel better, do things that you like doing, spend time with people that care about you (hang out with your friends).

These are little examples of things you can do that won't make you feel better right now, but they're definite and practical things you can do to pass the time, and to take care of yourself. I found out my brother had cancer a while back, I spent about 2 weeks crying and trying to think of things to do. Then I realized; all I could do was take care of myself, get on with my work, and offer practical help for my family (support, conversation, shopping).

There's not a lot we can do with the things outside of our control. But we can make an effort to get through it.

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