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I've got a bad case of lovin' you.

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File 136353391451.jpg - (82.90KB , 480x598 , 170638-55ccf6a7-bd5e-43a5-b68f-2812ba766601l.jpg )
2379 No. 2379
Hi /docta/,

I am seeing a girl whom I like very much. She is a few years older than me and has years of relationship experience, compared to my months. We are both serious about finding someone to settle down with and see in each other that potential someone. Last night we had a talk that centered around my lack of relationship experience. In a nutshell, she told me she doesn't want to have to teach someone how to have a relationship. This is the only thing about me that she finds concerning, and I have told her a lot of things.

I understand her position, and I will do whatever I need to so that this is not an issue. We both prefer taking things slowly, and I told her that I was letting her set the pace (which she didn't realize, but was OK with when I explained this to her) but I know if this is going to work I need to take some initiative. I need some advice on where to start. I'm a nice guy, considerate, polite, but I don't know how to be romantic or really what I'm supposed to do in a relationship.
>> No. 2381
Yeah, taking the initiative is going to be super important, especially when her one hangup about being with you is your lack of relationship experience. What type of initiative you take really depends on the girl, and I don't know this girl you're seeing, so I'm just going to throw out a random list of things I do/have done in relationships that I think fall into the category of "taking initiative."

- Sexual playfulness in public or semi-public places. ie, the two of you are out walking, find some little corner, push her into it, and kiss her a bit, then stop (be the one to stop it) take her hand and keep walking. Whisper dirty things to her while out in public (tell her how much you want her, what you want to do to her, what part of her body or outfit or whatever is driving you wild at this particular time)
- Surprise her with small, thoughtful gifts. I'm not saying spend money on her, but let's say you know that she likes horses or something and when walking home one day you pass a yardsale with a book about horses on sale for 25 cents. Get it, give it to her.
- Come up with things to do and don't ask her if she wants to do them, just say you are going to. "Let's go to the liquor store, get a bottle of wine, and go sit at the park and try not to get a ticket for drinking in a park."
- Open up about sexual fantasies and invite her to do the same
- Leave her random little notes. Not all the time, but fairly regularly. Like, you stay the night at her house but you have to get up early for work and she doesn't so you leave while she's still in bed. Write her a little one sentence note and leave it somewhere she can find it later.

That's all I got for now, but hopefully that will give you some ideas that you can run with and gear more toward your and her respective personalities.
>> No. 2384

Thank you, I appreciate that, the sweet stuff especially. The sexual stuff is maybe a bit much for us at this point, but something I'll put in my back pocket for later. To put in perspective how totally clueless I am, today I googled "How to show affection," and a lot of the shit I can recall seeing, but it just wasn't clicking that these were things I could do. I'm talking something as simple as nicknames, "Just wanted to say I love you" texts, compliments, and just general touching. Things that are just so not me that I wasn't even considering them as possibilities.

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