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File 136313907442.jpg - (86.49KB , 806x625 , honeychocobo.jpg )
2369 No. 2369
So there's this girl that I met online maybe a month or so ago. To say the least, we've clicked.

I'd like to ask her out on a date. However...
1)She lives about 1:30 from me.
2)She does not own a car.
3)I know little to nothing about the town that she lives in.

Given these, any suggestions on where to go/what to do on the date?
>> No. 2370
Maybe you could give us an idea of what your hometown has to offer?
>> No. 2371
My hometown, not so much; Pretty standard stuff. Some bars, a movie theater, some coffeeshops/restaurants, a bowling alley, and a park. I'd be fine doing something in my hometown, but that'd be three hours to drive there, pick her up, and drive back to my hometown. Then it'd be another three going back the other way. Every time we want to go on a date.

So that'd be three hours driving with her, and another three driving alone every time we want to go out, and I'd like to try to cut that down.
>> No. 2373
I agree with >>2372.
Find stuff in or near her town. Get her input on what's good in the area, let her pick the restaurant for dinner, etc. Plan it for a week or two in advance to minimize the inconvenience of the travel time on your schedule and also to give you both something to talk about and look forward to until you get there.
>> No. 2385
have you met in person yet?

If not, then the first date should be easy as fuck.

Essentially it shouldn't be anything more than getting yourselves familiar in person. That could be as much as renting a movie, and getting some take-out, to a walk in the park, something simple really.

I think you may be over complicating things
>> No. 2396
(Just checked back in here for the first time in weeks)
Funny you should say that. We ended up going to a park because she lives in bumblefuck nowhere, and the few things to do there close down at like noon.
>> No. 2398
well, how did things turn out?
>> No. 2435
>She lives about 1:30 from me.
my current girlfriend lives about 2 hours drive, she moved to another flat and it's horrid, but we get along
>She does not own a car
mine too, neither do I :/
>I know little to nothing about the town that she lives in.
had the same problem, asked her where she wanted to go on dates and while at it, to show me around, it's not a big deal

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