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/docta/, /docta/, gimme the news
I've got a bad case of lovin' you.

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File 136287888772.jpg - (33.60KB , 403x403 , 531811_593165110713543_38739270_n.jpg )
2357 No. 2357
Dear /docta/,

Can you explain to me the difference between dating and being in a relationship? I always thought the "exclusive" talk was the dividing line, but now I hear people say they "date one person exclusively" from the get go.
>> No. 2358
These are terms that everyone seems to use differently. I consider "dating" to be one specific type of relationship, but there's no guarantee that anyone else you speak to will use these same definitions. Also, "dating" doesn't necessarily mean exclusive or non-exclusive, so if I want to be specific, I say "exclusive" or "non-exclusive." But again, not everyone does this.

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