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2306 No. 2306
What do you do when you want a more serious relationship, but your partner does not? I don't want to move on because I like my partner and perhaps as time passes things could change, but my partner does have this ex that is also her best friend. Fuck. What do I do now, /docta/?
>> No. 2309
I called my partner on the phone and talked to her about this and she told me that her last partner kind of made it hard for her because the person that she was with began to be her only focus and she said that she lost out on a lot of friendships and other things because she kind of planned her life around the person she was with.

Well, I just know I'd feel like shit if I knew that she was with another person. I mean, it would really make me feel horrible because I want her and her only.

She said that ever since I have met her we have always made out, or had sex. She said that maybe we ought to stop having sex for a while because it seems to complicate things. She also said that we don't really share the same interests, so maybe we should try to be friends for a little while just to see what happens. That really seems hard because I like having sex, a lot.

Fuck! This is all becoming so complicated. This is the first time I have ever really been jealous for someone. This is the first time I have really cared about someone and it just feels like they don't give a shit about me.

What the fuck...?
>> No. 2310
I mean, maybe she's just passively telling me to move on. I don't really know. I know that she says she doesn't want to have a serious relationship. Okay, fine... but does that mean that she gets to fuck whomever strikes her?

I don't even know what I am supposed to do in this situation. Should I just play along and see if this works out?

I feel like if we are just hanging out as buds, she will get bored of me and get with someone that provides an answer to her sexual needs. I mean, how long are we supposed to hold out for? What if we are holding out and then she wants to really fuck someone... but that's okay, right? because we aren't in a serious relationship.

I mean, I asked her what it was that we were actually doing because I come over to her house, sleep over (and this all happens 1x per wk.) and then usually have sex and we don't really go anywhere or do anything other than watch movies and draw pictures and stuff.

Fuck, this is all just pissing me off so much.
>> No. 2311
Maybe... just maybe... the answer is to simply just not have sex for a while and really try to be the best partner I can be.

Perhaps, she would feel like shit if she started sleeping with someone and was with me. Who knows, really. I mean, there's nothing holding her back from actually telling me, right? She has her own place, so she can be as discreet as she wants to be.

She told me that she wasn't sleeping with anyone, but me. I believe her, but that doesn't mean she can't just find someone else. That's where it really gets me!!!!!!!!!
>> No. 2315
My advice would be to basically tell her this. That you're worried and shit.

I mean it might work; it might not, but at least you get to vent your thoughts?
>> No. 2317
I did and she said that we were not in a serious relationship, so therefore it shouldn't matter who she sees.

She doesn't want a long term relationship, or just a deeper relationship. She just wants friends with benefits and it is eating me up inside that she might be stuffing more than one cock up inside her right now and although she says that's not the case, well what is really stopping her???? Nothing, that's what.

I am jealous because I actually kind of love her. But I can move on.
>> No. 2321
I'm confused because you say at the same time that she wants "friends with benefits," and she thinks you should stop having sex for awhile.

And that what you are jealous of is her having sex with other guys, but not worried about her having a relationship with them.

What is it that you really want and what is it that she really wants? Do you just want to be exclusive sex partners, or something more? And if all you really want from her is sex, is it that bad if both of you get some action on the side?

This is something that you need to think about.
>> No. 2324
Sorry, let me clarify.

While I am seeing her, I don't want her having another relationship with anyone else either sexual or loving. I just want her to be my girlfriend. So far, we have been akin to fuck buddies.

She doesn't want a monogamous relationship and I do. I don't want to ever find out that she is with other guys, but we are in a sort of relationship where that could definitely happen since she wants it to be that way. I really just want her only. I kind of want to actually just love her.

I hope I am making sense.
>> No. 2325
Well if you've already discussed this with her recently, and she does not want a relationship, you can't really change that.

So the answers to the next two questions I have will determine what should do.
1)You don't want her fucking anyone else. Is this due to moral/religious issues, or is it just your own insecurities?
2)Are you okay with loving someone who does not love you back? And if they don't love you back, do they deserve that type of love that you want to give them?
>> No. 2326
1. my own insecurities
2. No and No
>> No. 2327
1)If it's your own insecurities, then it is something you should just get over. This girl has likely gotten dicks before you, and will likely afterward. You have likely gotten pussy before her, and will afterward.
2)Well, you've pretty much answered yourself. Let go of her. Tell her how you feel. Move on with life. If you can't be with someone who doesn't feel the same way as you do, you can't just cling to this girl hoping that she will change her mind.

I can't tell you whether or not to stop being fuckbuddies though. Sex can make breaking emotional ties more difficult, but sex is great, and for all I know you'll be able to handle the emotional disconnect even with the sex. I dunno. You probably do.
>> No. 2337
>> 1)If it's your own insecurities, then it is something you should just get over. This girl has likely gotten dicks before you, and will likely afterward. You have likely gotten pussy before her, and will afterward.

What the fuck? This isn't him being insecure. He doesn't want a potential partner (mind you, someone he's already has had sex with and expected to become a couple with) to have sex with other people. That's not being insecure. That's being human. Despite what a lot of you free love types would think, for a lot of us, sex isn't just a game and surrendering to animal lust is not acceptable. If she's not willing to be in a relationship with you because she wants to have sex with other people (and I'm not saying that that is definitely her reason, but the way you're wording things make it seem that this is a concern of yours), this is really not the type of person you should be attempting to have a relationship with. Promiscuity dies hard.

SAGE has been used.
>> No. 2350
He already said it wasn't due to moral issues. He personally admitted that it was due to his insecurities bugging him.
If he's breaking up with her (which was my advice), it's selfish and unhealthy to hold onto these feelings once everything is over.

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