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File 135530426696.gif - (101.07KB , 400x345 , online.gif )
2115 No. 2115
I am 21 year old virgin. I think about my virginity all the time. It is creating a huge problem.

I feel like I need to lose it ASAP. I'm considering losing it to a hooker or anyone. I feel uncomfortable with females and I'm starting to believe I can't make any sexual advance on a woman because I'm too much of a pussy. I think I'm too much of a pussy because I'm 21 and haven't even had a REAL kiss. What do I do? I'm not ugly, fat, annoying, or creepy. I might be "plain" at worst. Recently I have started to over-masturbate, like 6 or more times a day. It is making me depressed. What is wrong with me /docta/?
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>> No. 2116
Stop masturbating. Stop looking at pornography. Learn to be around people and learn to flirt. Don't give yourself a hard time for failing. Don't try to jump sections of your life, sex will come to you. Look outside, not inside.
>> No. 2119
Stop making such a big deal out of it. Make some tea, stop thinking about sex and just relax.
>> No. 2138
>I feel uncomfortable with females
Uncomfortable how?
>> No. 2143
It doesn't matter that you are a virgin. You're still a great person. It's like having acne and you feel bad only because you've been taught to feel bad. Like when people mention it. But if you know you're an awesome person regardless of and including a trait such as virginity, other people will, too. I was a virgin until I was 18. When I lost it, it was great, but only because I had built it up to be this huge thing. When I look back now, it really didn't matter that much logically. It carries the value the person assigns to it.
>> No. 2144
I'm 21 and I lost my virginity earlier this year. It was an enjoyable experience, but I'm not much different of a person now. I still suffer from the same problems and confidence issues as I did before. Losing your virginity doesn't make life instantly better. It's just one day of having a good time.

Even then, the experience was still slightly uncomfortable. I look back with discomfort, and I wish I could have lost it to somebody through a steady relationship instead of through a one night stand type shin dig.

it was nice to bite her tits though
>> No. 2177
I've been on both sides of consoling cliches like "you'll find the right person eventually." I know how it sounds like lame, frustrating bullshit that doesn't help you at all right now. I had to wait until I was 24 until I found the right person. The long wait sucked, but it was worth it just for the magical feeling I get from reenacting her fanfic scenes with her.
>> No. 2201
gosh. that's bullshit. Just get drunk. Reduces the ability to ejaculate, also reduces anxiety. When my ex lost his virginity to me (well. or to that other girl in a night he cannot remember) I didn't get the impression it was his first time.
>> No. 2211

>> No. 2217
>>2204 No wonder you had to buy a hooker in order to get laid.
>> No. 2226
Honestly, better than with an unatractive girl for free.
>> No. 2229
here's my two cents OP (if you're still keeping up with the thread)

I don't know how you are socially, but my best advice, is just say hi to everybody. I mean really, when you're walking around, and you see somebody, just say hi. Guy, girl, unattractive, attractive, it doesn't matter. Maybe not necessarily "hi", but "whatsup?" "how's it goin?" "sup?" "how are you?" "what's goin on?" mix it up bro!

This won't get you laid. Not alone it wont. But baby steps man, baby steps. Losing your virginity isn't all that, that it's cracked out to be. Honestly, for me, it was a traumatic experience and I went another year before having sex again.

Okay, I guess traumatic is probably a bit of an over-exaggeration, but its far from an experience that I take pleasure in looking back on. I was 18 at the time, 4, almost 5 years ago now. It was with a girl I had dated earlier in my high school days, broke up with, and met up with again just to catch up and things escalated very quickly and yeah.

But relax bro. As others had mentioned, wait to lose it to somebody you're comfortable with. The whole "waiting for someone special" is a bit ridiculous. Not saying you're doing that, but I know a lot of people do. But just, comfort is really key. Because you're going to be nervous, I'll guarantee it.
>> No. 2278

And who is it that has time to sit there and come up with descriptions of sexual encounters, to come up with a value system by which to place things? I'm sorry, but those of us who are in the moment of eroticism are not you, because we do not have to agonize over labels nor project our ideas to the vulnerable. If you care more about looks than sex, as in, if you care more about what sex means than what it is, then I must ask you quite plainly, have you even experienced sex? Your dick may well have been inside a vagina, but I think you're a foolish lad to flaunt that as sex.

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>> No. 2307
File 136046624197.png - (120.73KB , 300x2800 , Virgin1[1].png )
Reducing the ability to ejaculate as quickly sounds good in theory, but years of desensitization and porn might be all you need for that. An extra drink on top of all that won't hurt, though, because it's nice to be able to brag that your first time you flat wore her out.
>> No. 2312
god I wish watching porn and jacking off nonstop gave me hours of stamina
>> No. 2313
>Reduces the ability to ejaculate, also reduces anxiety.
And reduces the ability to gain and maintain an erection.
>> No. 2328

Stop using so much lube and squeeze harder. Instant nerve damage!

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>> No. 2397
I'm a 21 year old virgin and I honestly feel like I'm not ready to lose it yet (been in the situation a few times and backed out)
I want to get a purity ring to make it offical to myself. A promise to myself that I will get better and I wont lose it until then

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