No. 3064
listen up anon
you will find someone better
maybe you already know someone
did anyone else go to college with you? maybe go to the same college first?
this isn't 100% but if your friends are good friends and telling you not to think about a girl
they're probably right.
think about it this way: you're a healthy, worthwhile individual, maybe with a few quirks and exploits built in
you're attracted to this girl but she doesn't reciprocate. what's that mean?
it means you're attracted to her qualities, not to her.
my usual approach is to all-out, knowing full well that it will never work. in my experience if you look closely at people everyone hedges their bets. everyone. I just try to go one better on some level and double-reverse-hedge. probably I'm not as good as I like to think I am. like, girls might be all 'Oh I'll make you happy forevar!' and then hours later start with the physical abuse. this might be tainted, assholish thinking but my policy is just to stick to my own 'I'll make you happy forevar!' attitude, and then eventually say: 'No, I'm a worthwhile person, and this isn't working. Idk what's going on but you need someone else, not something else. gtfo.' Alternately, I just talk to them about what we're doing and they end up admitting the exact same thing. Yes, getting dumped is a skill in some situations. Some grandmasters are capable of effectively working this out on their own... and some sustain relationships this way, though I've never caught the trick of it.
SAGE'd... but just not to clutter up the front page. Godspeed, and may your better person appear quite soon.