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800 No. 800
Hey guys. AMA.

Today, so horny my TS porn made me want the "real" thing. So I called the Tgirl I found on Backpage. Few hours later and had sex.

Well, I'm a virgin. TS is my first time. It wasn't nearly as magical as I hope. The sex SUCKED!!! big time. It took 'her" 10 minutes to get hard and wasn't that hard. I fantasize of getting fucked and doing 69 like its so cool in the movies. I get just that, except it was boring, lame, disappointment, and nothing more than to blow my load.

She look darker than the photo suggest. 40 pounds heavier than whats on the photo. The 8inch cock is just a little bigger than mine. I doubt it really is when use a measuring ruler. oh and her ass look NOTHING like the photo. Its soft, and shaped like other fat person.

What I learn is that, at least this experience made me realize its a mere illusion. This fantasy. Real girls look and feel WAY better. I guess going gay/bi is NOT for me. This might put me straight for a long long long time. Shemale Porn is just fapping material only.
>> No. 802
Had a similar experience myself. Met my first Tgirl on craigslist.

I wasn't losing my virginity, but the sex was still very underwhelming. Tgirls just don't FEEL right. Fake tits, firm body instead of soft and squeezable, and the hair...

Her hair was what really threw me off. I love nesting in a girls hair when we fuck, or pulling her into me with it. It's so soft and inviting. The tgirl hair was all coarse and stringy, almost like it was a wig, but it was her real hair :-/

In short, shemales are lovely to look at, but completely different to actually feel. Think I'm with you OP; fap material only.

Also girl ass taste much better than tranny ass
>> No. 804
If you wanted to get fucked up the ass your best bet is another gay guy who isnt soft because of hormones.
>> No. 805

Why would ya do that? especially when experimenting. Plus "guys" are ugly.
>> No. 808
>soft because of hormones
yeah, seriously, what were you expecting? Even in porn they have a hard (no pun) time getting hard.

In conclusion: if you want to get fucked in the ass just nut up and be the little girl. Strap on a wig and fuck some "ugly" dude.

SAGE has been used.
>> No. 810
boys are fine as fuck.
>> No. 820
wow, you met one ugly tranny and you're gonna write them all off, huh?

let me just say that your one bad experience is just that; one bad experience.
>> No. 823
You guys are just doing it wrong. I've been with more transgirls than I have guys, (and until relatively recently, more of them than cisgendered women) and all but two of them were far more pleasant than male company. Those two differed from the rest in that they weren't really trying at all. One of them was a shitty crossdressing prostitute, and the other was a chain-smoker who got off on degradation. If the only place you see transgirls is porn, and you're chasing that fantasy, that kind of fake bullshit is all you're going to get unless you're willing to shell out for a serious business escort.

To hook up with real transwomen, the ones who are soft and pretty and, as you put it, feel right, you have to demonstrate interest in a person, rather than interest in a fantasy. Even for one night stands, (which are entirely possible) you must at least be able to give the impression that you regard them first and foremost as women, and that you have some understanding of the struggle they have in being accepted as such.

In particular, I should note that I've never been with a girl who couldn't get hard. Most of them still won't top, or at least not on the first date, but girls who can't get hard usually also have a decreased libido, so you're not going to find them on craigslist anyway. The ones that still have a sex drive find most men to be mutually disappointing partners regardless, so they don't usually go fishing either.
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