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File 133462939930.jpg - (132.51KB , 733x1100 , 1302241483163.jpg )
433 No. 433
anyone know any good tranny/trap dating sites?
>> No. 473
Craigslist bro. You can get anything on Craigslist. Weed, bitches, rims, speakers, forest green Nissan Maximas (with the spoiler bro, so fuckin' hard)
>> No. 494
I lol'd so fucking hard
>> No. 520
They're all CDs on craigslist. No actual shemales
>> No. 780
depends on where you live.
my cities CL got plenty of CDs and trannies too!
we also got pro escorts that do incall.
>> No. 897
damn she is hot
>> No. 910
okcupid is your best bet
>> No. 914
She has since de-transitioned (OP's pic), she's a man again now. Aline Bane/Brathio
>> No. 958
Pics or this is a Lie
>> No. 979

plus it's 100% free
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