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File 133427456182.gif - (2.06MB , 223x167 , 0517385825.gif )
428 No. 428
anyone know the name of this tranny or the video it is from ? Thanks.
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>> No. 430

There ya go mate, Sylvia Boots.
>> No. 475
File 133589610098.jpg - (89.50KB , 507x760 , crystal313.jpg )
you wont find anything of hers after about 2003, I think. She was convicted for the 1st degree murder of another tgirl named 'Crystal' or 'Laura'. she's doing 45 to life.
>> No. 487
quick we need her cellblocks surveillance videos!!!
>> No. 496
Is she in a male prison? She must get it so hard!
>> No. 500
just chain the bitch facedown on her bed...not like she's going to be in any other position anyways
>> No. 507
Amara Vadillo, aka Sylvia Boots, a pre-operative male-to-female transsexual, was admitted to Vacaville's medical facility on August 30, 2004. Having lost an appeal on her murder conviction in 2007, Vadillo is serving her sentence of 45 years to life for the murder of fellow male-to-female transsexual Laura (aka Crystal) Banuelos on August 18, 2002, outside a nightclub in West Hollywood, CA.
>> No. 942
Found this:
>The US gun lobby groups that proclaim that you should carry a gun to protect yourself don’t seem to be interested in this case.
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