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File 132743193898.jpg - (174.13KB , 1024x768 , 1327430136912.jpg )
212 No. 212
so, does anyone have this set?
Expand all images
>> No. 218
Iodine CD
>> No. 219
bump for set
>> No. 231
search to imagefap
>> No. 243
fucking came MOAAAAAR!!!!!!!!!!!!"""""""""""""""""""""
>> No. 252
Yep. Search for "Iodine"
>> No. 420
the one laying down is iodine the one sitting up is sascha
>> No. 482
Anyone know how to contact her?
>> No. 533
Iodine is so fucking hot...I would suck her dick for hours and fuck her tight ass for days.
>> No. 559

Did you know iodine got some girl pregnant, and the girl refused to get an abortion?

Stupid cunts.
>> No. 560
File 134137243788.png - (385.93KB , 1185x734 , iodine.png )
>> No. 576
If you had iodine's DNA inside you, would you relinquish it willingly?
>> No. 577
Hahaha, no way
>> No. 638
>> No. 649
Damnit i came here to fap, not look at myself >.>
>> No. 680

post moar pls. I always feel honoured and kinky when someone reposts my pics
>> No. 681

[citation needed]
>> No. 682
Iodine's DNA is fucking defective. She's mentally unstable. She goes apeshit if she goes 5 fucking minutes without having her whore ego stroked. I personally know somebody whom she assaulted for refusing to say that they were ugly compared to her.

Sacha's no better. She was caught at a transgender health conference cheating on her girlfriend. She eventually got thrown out of her girlfriend's house a few years ago for being a lying whore. She has been thrown out of at least one other place since then for similar reasons. Last I heard she was leeching off some poor sap in Florida and still has not held a job for more than a few weeks because she's either too busy sucking strangers' dicks or has to move away because she gets thrown out of another home. I heard some of the details of these events from her personally and other details from mutual friends.
>> No. 683
By the way, I wouldn't doubt that the reason I haven't seen any new Sasha pictures in about 2 or 3 years is because she's starting to get that reputation following her around wherever her face is seen. She's probably in hiding, hoping that people will forget her. She doesn't even go to the chatrooms that she used to be in 24/7 back when I first stared talking to her.
>> No. 693
File 134878166238.jpg - (96.19KB , 600x800 , 126407040946.jpg )

Lololol. Which ex-girlfriend caught Sascha blowing somebody at a convention?

This one?
>> No. 694
File 134893736510.jpg - (414.72KB , 3264x2448 , butt.jpg )

lol hi Sascha here, cool story bro.

well ... except ive never been caught blowing anyone, ive never been thrown out except by my mom, oh and i have lived in the same place the last 4 years and have a job.

i got bored of chans and taking pics, and having creepy fucks like you stalk me and talk shit about me because i wont sleep with them.

ill take a few pics to verify, but just to let you all know this is the reason i dont take pics anymore, dealing with lying little bitch stalkers.

P.S. op that pic set doesnt exist, iodine only took a few photos from my camera and the rest got deleted after people in the pics found out she posted them.

oh look my butt
>> No. 707

> requests?

Face and dick/bulge?
>> No. 708
Those pics of you tied up are some of the hottest pics I have ever seen of you..
>> No. 729
Sascha More please
>> No. 760
File 135352749540.jpg - (746.05KB , 3456x2592 , 1245238097601.jpg )
Best pic of Iodine ... EVER
>> No. 785
File 135726160636.jpg - (922.65KB , 768x1024 , LostFile_JPG_279534571.jpg )
The internet's for sharing, not trashing, you guys. Jeez!

Nice to hear from you, Sascha. Don't take any guff from these swine.
>> No. 790
I love this last pic.....Please find more and post them.
>> No. 793
Who is the bore on the sofa?
>> No. 860
File 136391952484.jpg - (241.11KB , 681x1024 , saschahard_176.jpg )
>> No. 861
File 136391954356.jpg - (235.09KB , 681x1024 , saschahard02_165.jpg )
>> No. 862
File 13639195635.jpg - (146.65KB , 853x1280 , sascha4053.jpg )
>> No. 863
File 136391958779.jpg - (179.08KB , 853x1280 , sascha4077.jpg )
>> No. 864
File 13639196137.jpg - (140.56KB , 853x1280 , 1255838234613_113.jpg )
>> No. 865
File 136391962591.jpg - (246.54KB , 681x1024 , saschahard03_121.jpg )
>> No. 866
would like to see dat uncut cock for verificatiom
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