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File 137202199913.jpg - (109.52KB , 1650x1200 , GoldenRice.jpg )
235 No. 235
Rice thread please!

How do you like to prepare rice? What do you like to put in it? Do you use any sort of sauce or dressing? Or seasonings? Recipes or suggestions welcome, better if you provide pictures! Thanks /cf/!
>> No. 244
Plain ol' long-grain or basmati rice goes in the rice cooker at the ratio of 1 cup rice to 2.25 cups water. Jasmine/sticky/brown rices get almost 2.5 cups. Regular Chinese rice only gets 2, I think (it's been a while). Soaking the rice in water for fifteen minutes before cooking lets the water penetrate better, but you might need slightly less water. It's a good technique for brown rice, which has the external layer that impedes water penetration. Some people prefer to rinse the rice first - this washes away extra starch which causes the grains to stick together (it also throws off the liquid measurements, so you'll be forced to guesstimate and learn by experience).

For a flavor boost, heat a tablespoon of oil and toast a teaspoon of whole cumin seeds in it - add this to the rice + water before cooking. Especially nice with basmati.

You can also substitute some kind of stock for part/all of the water. Or throw in a bit of bouillon for flavor. Really, just go experiment. Rice is like blank paper ready for you to draw on.
>> No. 313
I do Peruvian rice the way my grandma taught me. I dice up some garlic and fry it up in some oil, then I add he rice and brown it in the oil too. Then you turn the heat all the way down low and add the water and salt.

To do spanish rice I just add onions to the frying process and tomato sauce in with the water, then you can add pretty much any ingredient that is normally in salsa. I would add tomatoes at the very end so they would just steam a little. If you add cilantro add it just before serving.
>> No. 314
I usually cook my rice in chicken stock when I have it.
>> No. 316
Raisins, apricots and curry with rice make for a nice dish on its own or a good complement to, say, pork.

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