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File 133211246694.jpg - (90.38KB , 380x361 , Math-caption.jpg )
94 No. 94
I'm looking for a mentor in general mathematics in an attempt to help better my understanding about the field. I'm not asking for a tutor, just somebody who can challenge me, somebody I can bounce ideas off of and tell me whether they're completely ridiculous or something to follow up on. This isn't for school; I was hoping to turn this into a hobby that I can work with others on. If anybody else is interested in joining this somewhat of a diluted version of a study group please respond to this post ASAP so we further discuss this with anybody else who's interested. My education doesn't' extend beyond basic College Algebra, so I'm asking those who are more mathematically mature to be patient and open minded, mainly because these are the people I'm targeting. I would like the "study group" to consist mainly of math philosophy, it's application in the real world and it's connection to possible future careers, and of course "pen to paper" practice of popular concepts or any concepts people seem to be struggling with. Thanks in advance for the help and replies, if this post begins to snowball I'll list a way for anybody interested to contact me.
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>> No. 95
Ok, what were you thinking about?
>> No. 96
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I was hoping to do online meetings via skype/googlehangouts/or whatanybody else is most comfortable using. I wanted the first session to be a sort of "where do you stand as far as education in mathematics" listing careers, majors, and future goals. I figured each member could contribue something for discussion on a semi-weekly basis, again, with whatever dates seem to suit the majority of members' schedules. The community would then criticize any contributions to open discussion in the meeting. I'd be nice to have a theme each week, based on popular vote or create a system that lets every member choose the topic of debate for each week. Like taking turns, for the most part. Unrequired homework could be assigned for every student, at which each person would be able create depending on their area of expertise. Discussing homework results could also contribute to further discussion while the meeting is in session. Please skype me at: spotlessapple for any more information or ideas to improve the study group!
>> No. 97
I'd be into that.
>> No. 98
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Excellent, I'm going to see how much more attention this post can spread, but aside from that I've been trying to post about it on other forums as well. I'd appreciate it if you added me on skype so we could brainstorm a few more ideas to improve each session. I'm looking for a fairly small group so schedules don't conflict, but please help spread the word to any other mathematicians looking for that extra practice.
>> No. 100
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Hey everybody, just wanted to update you on the project. Just to take a small census, would everybody prefer this to be a completely new forum for itself? Or should we keep this as a casual "skype meeting every once in a while) deal? For the prior, I've been searching local Craigslist postings in an attempt to find a webdesigner for a fairly cheap price, now I just need to register a domain name and start mapping everything out. Tomorrow I'll be searching my College campus for undergrads in ComputerSciences who may choose to help me out for a cheaper price. If anybody would like this to be more casual, please speak up! This doesn't have to be a website! I'll be keeping everybody updated on a semi-weekly basis to inform any of those whose interests I've sparked. Thanks again for all the help everybody! This should get started up in no time!
>> No. 101
This is a fantastic idea. I'd love to get in on it, but my schedule's tight. We'll see, I'll look into contacting you after I'm done with this week's homework rush.

You guys should consider going on 99chan's IRC and joining the #calc channel. If there isn't one, you'll create it just by joining.
>> No. 102
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I've looked into the IRC channel and have considered it to be a very viable option. However, I would like to know if everybody would rather have a new website for these discussions (on a newly created forum) or just keep it casual with the IRC channel, skype, etc. At the moment, which would you (the community) rather have? We'll set it to a vote if it becomes absolutely necessary.
>> No. 103
a forum would be neat
>> No. 104
Any news on this? I don't know if a forum or skype etc. is necessary but some kind of direction to study given by someone who knows more about the subject than me would really help I think. I've just been reading books out of my local libraries math section without any real purpose or goal.
>> No. 105
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I've decided that while a forum would be nice, I'd really like to get on board with the studying & discussion sooner than later. I may plan on getting one set up in the near future, but not for the time being. As for my relationship with mathematics, in practice, I'm still mathematically immature (as posted before, my education doesn't extend beyond college algebra). Much like some of you have mentioned, I do spend parts of my freetime reading about math philosophy and the importance behind number & logical thought; but simply reading the literature isn't enough. The first thing that needs to be done in order for this to get started is finding the experts, the pros, the graduates. We need to find the people who are willing to teach and debate mathematics willingly without expecting a paycheck. Can anybody suggest any math forums or popular users on math forums that would be willing to give this a try? I'll start creating a schedule for discussion times to meet on the IRC in #calc if there aren't any objections to that, and will let you know if/when I can find a director (a math major with solid understandings of various branches) for this project to finally take off. If anybody knows of any contacts or ways to help, please let me know! Any and all help is appreciated, and I will be posting again sometime this week with more results. Thanks again for all the support everybody.
>> No. 119
I plan on teaching myself geometry and algebra this summer and am down.
>> No. 125
Is this still a go? As a math major who teaches/tutors as both a job and a hobby, I'm down with helping you fellas out with whatever you need. I'm pretty adept in almost every math course you can find at a community college, but I'm rusty on the finer points of Calculus 2 and Calculus 3.

If OP is still around, I'll hang out on #calc with the username 'ystesta' or 'Motzo' over the weekend, just hop on and beep me so we can start planning.

I think I posted on this thread as the guy with the tight schedule. With classes over, my schedule is no longer tight until I start summer school.

Hope to see you guys there!
>> No. 148
I am always willing to spend time with other people who appreciate mathematics. I have spent some of the recent years of my life striving to learn more about number theory, prime numbers, and related algorithms and proofs. I do believe I could provide something worthwhile.

However, I am very absent-minded. I may not remember this thread tomorrow. Hopefully I will.

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