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File 132843269896.gif - (655.32KB , 180x180 , 1318754717092.gif )
486 No. 486

humanity finally decides to take a trip to mars. lets say there are only three crew members, just like the apollo missions. during the nine month voyage something goes wrong, maybe some space dust punctures the hull, and a crew member has to perform a space walk to fix it.

what would it take for the space walker to become completely untethered from the ship and unable to return?
>> No. 487
What a weird question. You're basically asking what it would take for a rope to snap. The EVA astronaut would be unable to return if they didn't have enough thruster capacity to return to the craft and if the craft was unable to move towards the astronaut. Maybe there isn't enough reaction mass on the craft to safely accomplish the feat, or enough energy, or maybe it would put the craft dangerously off course.

SAGE has been used.
>> No. 488
It wouldn't be dangerous unless the astronaut pushes against the hull while untethered. While outside the ship, the space walker is going to be moving at the same speed as the ship and ideally wouldn't leave handhold range.

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