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File 132501373063.jpg - (19.73KB , 500x338 , Traveler_screenshot.jpg )
476 No. 476
I've got a book on holography which is mostly excellent but is more of a cohesive overview than directed at creating holograms on one's own.

How feasible is it to make a hologram in my apt? One thing I'm lost on is the photographic material that captures the light information, the book black boxes the imprinting process, focusing more on the interactions of reflected light and preservation of the wave phase.

Also could you make a hologram with a Magic Eye in it? Or other optical illusions? Or do they depend too heavily on high contrast, which holograms seemingly can't do, because of their limited spectrum? something I'm still not sure why of. Why is that?

General holography thread.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RrGR-f1VNHI Here's someone's videoblog visiting a hologram museum.
>> No. 477

Make a genuine hologram with no exotic materials or tools.
>> No. 478
woah holy fuck i remember that game

please tell me what it was called. i used to play it in the movie theatre while waiting for a movie.

that thing was a quarter vortex
>> No. 479
>> No. 480
Time Traveler.

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