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File 136860067257.jpg - (77.17KB , 800x600 , 800px-Pointing_stick.jpg )
403 No. 403
Hello /sci/!

I'm considering buying an old ThinkPad and run Linux on it. It will only be used for coding and basic surfing. (Not even one single MP3 will touch the computer.) However, the weak link is probably the old HDD.

Is it possible to run a 2.5" SATA SSD on the ATA?

I've read about adapters that makes it possible to use a SD as HDD. Are And are SDs reliable enough to use for at least 40 hrs a week for 9 months without lagging or crashing?
>> No. 404
If the notebook is internally only SATA/150, then any SSD is going to be severely bottle-necked in any i/o operations and probably of little practical benefit except for physical durability of a non-mechanical drive.

If it's just a cheapo fun system like you say, then I'd just save the coins and put any whatever old 2.5" HDD in. The rest of the system as a whole is going to be a far greater speed bottleneck than HDD access is, especially for just tasks such as coding and surfing (things like gaming and video processing are really the only HDD strainers out there).

Also, you may wanna look at some netbooks before you commit. They should have a lot superior battery lives and be a lot easier to port around; a lot faster too and even SSD friendly if you really want one. There's also a lot of Linux community documentation for many of them as *nix enthusiast really seem to love toying with them. Worth a look at any rate.
>> No. 405
So the SSD will run on the ATA, only bottlenecked?

I was first considering buying a new ThinkPad E530c for 3400 SEK, but I don't want Windows 8 and I can't opt out. So the only solutions would be to pay another 1700 SEK for Windows 7 Ultimate or installing *nix.

And has anyone really managed to use a memory card as a HD for a laptop?
>> No. 406
If SATA below 3, then yeah. If by ATA you mean PATA/IDE though, then yeah, even more so; you'd also need a quite fancy and bulky adapter which may not even fit in the drive bay.

>So the only solutions would be to pay another 1700 SEK for Windows 7 Ultimate or installing *nix.

>> No. 407
I see. But I don't want to run a pirated Win 7. It's simply poverty. Old ThinkPad with *nix is being thrifty.
>> No. 408
Provided your thinkpad is sata not ide, I would absolutely recommend an ssd. They are cheap and durable provided you go for a lower (32gb or 64gb) capacity (which should be fine for a gnu/linux laptop)

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