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315 No. 315
Hello !

I am in desperate need of math help. I want to go to university, but I am awful at math.

This is hideously embarrassing, but I never learned how to do basic math. I cannot solve this equation


in the long format, for example. I can do a series of smaller calculations in my head to figure it, out, but I can't do it in the long way, the same goes for division and multiplication. I don't know any geometry. I mean, I know shapes but I have no idea how to calculate angles for isntance. I know no albegra, no trig, no fractions. I have no idea what a polynomial is, or a remainder.

My family sent me to a tiny, private Christian school where I was forced to memorize bible verses mindlessly, and as such, I am a complete idiot. Everyone just always got pushed along no matter how little they understood, and in highscool I was so unprepared I dropped out. It sucked.

Please help me. I want to make something of myself. It's so humiliating I can barely stand it.

I just don't know where to go, or to assess what level I'm at. I don't think I'm a dumb guy but I am just so completely lost. I want to be the first person in my family with a university education.

If you help me, I will totally and happily chronicle my journey, or whathaveyou. Anything you want in return, please just help me /calc/ !

I have been looking at homeschool courses, but there is just so much crazy christian crap I can't stand it, I want to get away from it so badly. I have done a bunch of googling but I am totally overwhelmed.

Can someone please point me in the right direction? What is a good k -8/highschool curriculum? How do I know where to start?

Pic related: It's what I feel like.
>> No. 316
A lot of people like khan academy they have courses from arithmetic to calculus and differential equations.
>> No. 317
First of all, why the fuck are you embarrassed? You never learned it, simple as that. Anyone who would look down on you for that should be pushed over and puked on.

One thing, you say "the way" of doing things but that's just silly. There's a lot of ways of doing arithmetic. Trying different methods will help you understand what you're doing better. I hate that "make the 0 a 10" thing. But I'm kind of bad at arithmetic. I'd look at it like "adding .85 to that .15 gets me to 34, and another 6 makes 40. Then 20 gets me to 60, and another .05 gets me to 60.05. Then adding those up gets me the difference between the numbers, which is what I'm looking for.

that weird math-shame gets in peoples' way a lot and I just don't see the point of it. at least you have an interest, while learning fundamentals. that's all that matters. But yeah, khanacademy, patrickjmt, whatever. The biggest thing is to just Do Problems It is not like other subjects where you can just absorb it, you get a much deeper understanding by working through problems.
>> No. 318
>wikipedia articles
And as a general comment, remember too about the "simple" language option, which is often very helpful for getting a "what am I even looking at" overview. The regular entries can be a little too in-depth for an initial glance.

>> No. 319

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