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File 133798451469.gif - (22.86KB , 472x562 , 86random-f1_1.gif )
130 No. 130
Hi, I'm a total retard when it comes to maths, but I've been looking at some "readability tests" for a project I'm working on (for example: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flesch%E2%80%93Kincaid_readability_test ) and am wondering what the hell those weights represent, or how they were calculated. For example, why 0.39 x (total words/total sentences)?

What does 0.39 represent? Why 0.39? How was that calculated?

Sorry if my lack of knowledge offends anyone.
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>> No. 131
File 133809518773.gif - (5.13KB , 588x153 , CodeCogsEqn(7).gif )
Lack of knowledge only offends pedants, and even then, I think they secretly thrill off of it.


This brings up the 1975 Naval report by Kincaid and others. Also wtf .exe in a URL? Not a programmer, so moving on.

It appears as though it was arrived at experimentally, ie by testing subjects, rather than theoretically. That's not uncommon at all for statistics, as from what I understand, it's a fairly new field (think about oldoldold mathematicians and who sponsored their jetset mathematical lifestyle, and think about those sponsors' opinions about free will and gambling.)


appears to be a more modern take on the subject, with references as late as 2008, and more modern notation (attached is a pretty self-explanatory example of the notation, though it's still pretty dense in the text, but not inaccessible.)

Personally, I can't do anything but skim texts on a screen. I might print these out and read them though, it's a pretty interesting topic.
>> No. 133
oops, in (2) in the attached pic, there should be an i just like in (1).
>> No. 136

The .exe is a program generating the page. Think of it like .php, .asp, .pl, etc. The web server runs the program with the parameters of the URL as its input and presents its output as a web page.
>> No. 137
Yeah, I'm familiar with that, I guess I've just never seen pages generated by an .exe

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