No. 76503
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frankly, they're not draconian enough.
the internet changes, communities change, you change.
it sucks but that's the way it is. time marches on. right now you're nostalgic about 2008 99chan and you will probably continue to be so, but you may also soon stumble upon the next thing that, in 5 years, you'll feel nostalgic about.
if you were say, 20 in 2008, you're now probably 27, possibly going on 28. if you were 16 when you first came here, you're now solidly into your 20s. those are big differences. it may not be that 99chan is any different (it is, but bear with me) but that you have changed.
i miss actual, sundevil, and others. i miss the prolific, dedicated posting of cas. i miss nemo's white girl booty. sundevil is probably in his 30s by now, I think actual is probably approaching his late 30s, cas is still around but doesn't seem to post nearly as much, and nemo is now and old lady with one of those flat old lady asses.