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75316 No. 75316
How's it going? remember me? I'm Louie, for those of you who've never heard of me I'm a Syrian programmer and I fled the war to Moscow, Russia where I'm at right now. Active Mods and Janitors please don't ban me, I am not trying to break any rules and I heavily respect the Global Rules. so please if I do anything wrong just write me a post telling me which rule I'm breaking and I'll gladly delete this thread and not bother you, a ban won't be necessary. Please?

I'm making this thread as a hang out and tbh because I need your help, I know you're not my personal army and frankly I'm not asking for that. I'm here because I'm desperately trying to avoid deportation, the Russians you see are going to deport me due to an expired student visa (The one I got to come here), and so that means that I have very little time and means to make it to Europe. I don't want to go back home because I wouldn't last long there. I mean I could, I could probably stay somewhere there, but I don't even know how I made it out alive and so going back is a very very very bad choice to make and would possibly lead to my death or draft or prison or one of these.

I've tried going to embassies and asking for visas to European countries, I've tried the UNHCR office in Moscow and I've tried numerous things in order to make it to the EU but nothing "legal" has worked, and just when things got too hopeless I actually took a hiking trail from northern Russia from the city of Vyborg (Trying to cross the border into Finland), I was caught and told to fuck off back to Moscow without arrest or a warning, just a heavy scolding from the border patrol.

So, i'm stuck here, the Russians want me out, my visa expired, I have very little cash to spend on my self and my only hope of avoiding the war is this smuggler that I know in St. Petersburg (A city in northern Russia) where he promised me he could take me via boat to Stockholm to ask for asylum, he basically said he'd smuggle me for 1,000 dollars into Sweden.

I'm here in the hopes that someone out there wants to help me achieve this dream, I'm pretty sure that with my job in Moscow I won't be able to come up with that kind of money as I'm barely making my living expenses (Barely) and accommodation. and In case you can't don't worry about it you can help me by bumping this thread so that maybe someone else might see it. Or you have the freedom to pass my blog and videos around. I hellza need your help man, you, reading this, I need a little bit of your time. If you have 10 minutes to spare in this thread I'd greatly appreciate it.

I'm not just asking for financial support, I'm asking for any kind of support, if you have any advice or know of a way I can get legal documents in Moscow without serving jail time or if you know someone who works at the border police who can help me out in any way please do.

I'm a long time lurker here, you guys have always been here for me in my time of need and depression (back home), I used to lurk with whatever electricity we had while clashes happened literally outside my window lol, so what I'm trying to say is I appreciate and love you /b/, even if 90% of the posts here will be hate posts, I don't mind I know you guys and I know how things go with threads like these, But, I'm desperate enough to try.

tl;dr sandnig stuck in russia whoring for money and advice while bumping with porn and other shenanigans.
Alright, now if anyone is interested, here are the links which show the documentations of the visa papers that got rejected, my blog, and my youtube videos.

The blog (has my life story as well as a Documents page)
https://syrianlouie dott wordpress dott com

and the videos Warning this one is 20 minutes long and my first attempt at youtubing.

This one was the day after, shorter.

>> No. 75318
Is this copypasta?



>> No. 75319
You should go on IRC.
>> No. 75324
plz help i am stuck in russia plz paypal me money i am stuck in russia no scam
>> No. 75327
Apply for a visa to stay in Russia. Or live illegally in Russia. I know lots of people who are in Canada illegally and it's pretty easy, I suspect Russia has a much larger underground economy too. Just find work that will pay under the table and pay your rent in cash.
>> No. 75374
>I'm a Syrian programmer and I fled the war to Moscow, Russia where I'm at right now.

That's your own dumbass fault for not going to Sweden or Germany instead and getting a free government issued apartment and white woman.
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