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  • Blotter updated: 2023-01-12 Show/Hide Show All

File 144386014784.jpg - (14.89KB , 236x355 , i fell in love and i lost.jpg )
75144 No. 75144
hi 99chan I am so confused right now today first I killed a falcoln with my bare hands then this dog jumped out of nowhere like in a childrens movie and knocked me to the ground and I had to wrestle that off me, after that I sort of dusted myself off. And stood up. Looked around me at the vast expanse of the wal-mart parking lot I had woken up in next to a pile of bricks and a empty pail of water. Which has my shit in it by now as I'm being kept hostage by a ring of riflemen about half of htem on top of the wal-mart and a couple more in the woods to my left and the big red pickup truck about 150 or so feet in front of me. I'm not sure what I did to deserve this.
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>> No. 75158
File 144392695847.jpg - (183.63KB , 600x400 , tron2.jpg )
I had a dream that I was in a storage locker building and they had these elevators that you would take up to your locker and each floor was like a rave or party with different themes and one of the floors was halloween themed and these hot girls with white-out contacts and fangs descended on our elevator as we rose through the floor on our platform while loud music and colorful strobe lights blazed everywhere.

It was a cool dream.

I don't know what I was storing.
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