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File 14438292662.jpg - (18.72KB , 339x352 , haunted laboratory.jpg )
75140 No. 75140
I hellza want to get date raped, how would I go about making that happen?
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>> No. 75141
Are you date-rapeable?
>> No. 75142
jesus I was just thinking about consensual bdsm date rape and how this is actually something i could conceivably do with maybe even some of the girls i know is drug their drink and fuck them while they're unconscious for fun... These sexual fantasies are hellza getting out of hand. Once you just fully accept that two consenting adults can do whatever they want or need together I mean when does it end?

At what point am I as bad as a furry, Anon? At what point?
>> No. 75146
>> No. 75147
When you start banging on about ponies
>> No. 75150
I like to think that I am.
>> No. 75155
You're gonna have to give some information about yourself bud.
>> No. 75157
Well I love drinking from wide-mouth bottles and large glasses and I tend to leave my drinks unattended for extended periods.

I also enjoy being a flirty tease who dresses provocatively.
>> No. 75164
What would you like to know?
>> No. 75165
Tell me about your mother. Would you say she's attractive?
>> No. 75166
I would say that she was at one point but is no longer attractive.
She's getting those old lady jowls.
>> No. 75172
>> No. 75174
She's going through a midlife crisis but I don't think that gives her a pass to be a cunt all the time and go around thinking the world owes her something for doing what she was expected to do.
>> No. 75177
Thats great and all but we don't even know your gender or what you look like.

How am I supposed to get an erection when you might be a guy?
>> No. 75178
Don't think that I may be guy,
know that I am a guy.
>> No. 75181
Dammit you know that about 50% of us were imagining a lithe young femanon
>> No. 75199
File 144419644612.png - (1.26MB , 1910x888 , 1.png )
>Well I love drinking from wide-mouth bottles and large glasses and I tend to leave my drinks unattended for extended periods.

>I also enjoy being a flirty tease who dresses provocatively.

How the fuck do you dress provocatively as a guy? Besides wearing bicycle shorts with a hard on or something? Unless you're a trap. In which case that date rape would probably just involve the guy getting you somewhere, seeing the d and then reacting poorly.

Unless you want a girl to do it? In which case, ballza fucking luck. Women don't hellza date-rape.

Welp, no more interest here for me.
>> No. 75221
You are not very ballza at 99chan.

i am a bad person

>> No. 75245
Hey, OP, do you live in Arizona?
>> No. 75254
>> No. 75263
in Canada we spell it "Colourado"
>> No. 75275
I like canada.
>> No. 75282
My only real life experience with Canadians was some Wiccan bull dyke I met when I was like 13, she made it a point to inform me of her Canadianness several times, before her name even, and she wore a t-shirt that said "We're bigger and we're on top, if this were prison you'd be our bitch.
>> No. 75283
File 144474302977.gif - (51.48KB , 400x500 , maplesyrupclearysleaf50ml.gif )
Well sir you need to go buy some canadian maple syrup 'cause lemme tell ya there ain't nothing like it. Also, french canadians are dheads.
>> No. 75286
No thanks if I want the "real Canadian maple syrup" experience I'll just set a pile of money on fire and piss it out, y'all niggas charge more for that shit than for crude oil.
>> No. 75287
File 144474479943.jpg - (44.68KB , 700x300 , crepe.jpg )
Because it's way better than crude oil!

American maple syrup tastes like shit, you haven't lived until you've eaten some french crepes covered in canadian maple syrup. Fuck pancakes, crepes are where it's at.
>> No. 75288
File 144474494312.jpg - (0.98MB , 3264x2448 , pootin.jpg )
At least you've tried poutine, right? Go eat some poutine. There's nothing like well made poutine.
>> No. 75295
I've been eating a vegan diet for about 7 months. Poutine is the one thing I hellza miss and periodically crave. I think I might take a step back after the one year mark and treat myself to a monthly poutine or something along those lines.
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