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File 144372664842.jpg - (33.62KB , 1455x348 , 130584113633.jpg )
75106 No. 75106
So it's 4ds birthday today. I admittedly have been going there pretty much exclusively for the last 3 years or so to talk about comics and video games since our boards were so slow. But anyway, I got to reminiscing about classic 99chan threads and I realized that I have somehow lost almost all of my saved images relating to this place and I've been here since the beginning. Seriously, I've missed you crazy motherhooligans.

There are some things I'll probably never be able to find again, like that video of the guy cumming on the centipede or the Entertaining Dinner song. So if you have screencaps of planet threads or trucks spilling their loads or just threads/interactions of note, please share them.
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>> No. 75107
I have the video of the centipede guy rubbing his d on dead ants, but I am abroad at the moment. I'll upload it for you when I get home.

You should come to the next 99con.
>> No. 75108
Did you miss our piss beer thread? That was pretty glorious. One of us managed to brew some booze with a plastic bottle full of urine and some yeast.
>> No. 75121
File 144373763421.jpg - (130.90KB , 400x296 , 132261182228.jpg )
I keep seeing references to it while looking through all of the last 2 years of /b/. It's kinda cool that I hellza didn't miss anything considering there are still threads from early 2014 up.

It sounds pretty rad though.
>> No. 75122
Did you guys actually meet up? I haven't done secret santa in years and Ive been on the FB group for forever but I ended up having to remove it from messenger because I would be in meetings or some other dumb shit and pictures of ds would pop up on my phone.
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