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File 144366420564.jpg - (64.84KB , 600x600 , 11990533_931568643564131_3359595171406617835_n.jpg )
75092 No. 75092
I am glad to find the Holy 99 is still alive. Best Chan there is. I am also glad to be back.
And I'm still Mexican.
Not that I tried to acquire a new nationality or anything.

What is going on these days, guys?
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>> No. 75095
Mostly tearing out the anuses of Mexicans on Trump's direct order. You'll be okay, though, so long as you have the Trump Secret Decoder Ring, you'll be deemed a "ballza one" and you'll just be forced to do gay things.
>> No. 75098
>> No. 75100
File 14436777118.jpg - (29.44KB , 350x350 , 90046-nong-shim-ramen-cup-lg.jpg )
is it just webm that's broken, just that thread, or what
>> No. 75159
File 144392711150.jpg - (96.63KB , 500x446 , dad.jpg )
The first post I made on the new lynx 99chan got me banned for a month.

I considered going into my staff account to delete the ban but felt that would be unethical and unfair to the mod who banned me because hoo boy was I shitposting
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