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File 144358665224.jpg - (148.55KB , 1199x856 , 2042000576.jpg )
75073 No. 75073
Hey what's going on guys does anyone who speaks what has got to be Chinese want to help me out here and tell me what this thing I just bought means? Not going to wear it unless I know hat it means at least give me credit for that
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>> No. 75074
It's Japanese and it means "No Problem". I could read it just fine backwards but you kept deleting your threads.
>> No. 75075
thank you the aesthetic became very important to me
>> No. 75076
i know you can fucking read it backwards i was trying to be courteous
>> No. 75077
File 144358937924.png - (150.87KB , 1200x673 , picture of word.png )
holy shitballs you were right tysfm ur da best <3
>> No. 75078
How would someone write "I am retarded" in chinese?
>> No. 75079
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