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File 144301523159.jpg - (81.40KB , 598x551 , halloweencostumeme.jpg )
74967 No. 74967
Is it possible to go trick or treating at the house of celebrities? If you went up to Donald Trump's mansion on Halloween and demanded candy, what would happen?
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>> No. 74994
File 144310802949.jpg - (78.02KB , 634x484 , bamarama.jpg )
It is possible to go trick or treating at the white house, I know that much.
>> No. 75012
File 144321736316.png - (350.71KB , 618x594 , rjfletcher.png )
that fucking face... That's a face that says "I'm a convicted sex offender."

I think that celebrities would lock their doors. Opening up your door to every little human in a costume presents its risks. What if one of them was a dwarf with a .45 and a vendetta? Shit could get ugly, man. He'd shoot your balls off right then and there.

Getting shot in the nuts by fucking Casper...
>> No. 75040
I'm guessing most of them have someone answer the door for them in case of craziness like that. I hellza don't know, though.
>> No. 75050
File 144346997186.jpg - (17.45KB , 300x300 , The-Hounds.jpg )
He would probably release the hounds.
>> No. 75090
To be fair, that can happen to anyone of us. That's why it's important to have adequately scary costumes.

To scare the dwarfs away.
>> No. 75156
File 144392666623.jpg - (223.95KB , 445x576 , kanyemaskSMALL.jpg )
I think a lot of celebrities tend to live in houses with gates or even in gated communities or subdivisions so the only trick or treaters they'd be getting anyway are the children of other famous and/or very rich people who live in their upperclass gated development.

That's assuming by "celebrities" you mean the sort of stereotypical Hollywood A and B listers. There are tons of famous musicians and so on who don't have much or any money but are well known. Like, I'm sure you could be trick-or-treating in Baltimore and knock on the door of one of the dudes from Animal Collective or something

I also feel like Stephen Colbert has a blast on Halloween and loves giving out candy.
>> No. 75234
you'd get fat
>> No. 75343
Too late bitch I'm already fat

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