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File 144297893046.png - (1.55MB , 1064x983 , 1442928894455.png )
74958 No. 74958
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>> No. 74960
This warrants no further discussion.
>> No. 74961
Well, best what though? What am I looking at?
>> No. 74963
The open steppe, fleet horse, falcons at your wrist, and the wind in your hair.
>> No. 74964
go fuck yourself, you have shit taste in waifus. I want to fuck bubbles from the powerpuff girls.
>> No. 74969
File 144302536591.jpg - (152.38KB , 940x705 , jews.jpg )

I just want to let yall know that orthodox jews like sex too
>> No. 75006
File 144314706598.jpg - (938.07KB , 2560x1600 , T.jpg )
If I had to pick: see pic
>> No. 75025
No no no, It's to crush your enemies and see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women.
>> No. 75070
Why do you always take his side!? He's not even related to you, he's just some guy! I HATE YOU!!! I HATE YOU SO MUCH!!!!
>> No. 75089
Is this what we are doing today? Fighting?
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