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File 144196622788.jpg - (74.53KB , 864x576 , gyps.jpg )
74851 No. 74851
99chan, would you like to talk shit about gypsies?

Why are gypsies so awful?
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>> No. 74853
File 144198076986.gif - (0.99MB , 409x232 , 879.gif )
because they steal
and i don't mean your heart
>> No. 74856
File 144198996551.png - (575.80KB , 594x472 , mccamembert.png )
Yeah, they do. And they're crafty about it. Yesterday I went to use the pissoir at McDoodoo's and this old gypsy lady tried to charge me for using the urinating facilities. Man, she didn't even work there. Picture somewhat related, the McCamembert and Mcbeer I ordered.

And in town, I came across several of them pretending to be cripples. I ain't gonna lie, it was pretty funny. One dude was pretending to be retarded by moaning gibberish.

In Europe, you do not give money to the needy because they are most likely gypsies trying to get some cigarette money. Shit is weird, yo.
>> No. 74857
File 144199024297.jpg - (14.65KB , 236x235 , gyp.jpg )
Do you think the rumor about gypsies throwing babies at people to distract them while they get robbed by other gypsies is true? I mean, if someone throws a baby at you surely you wouldn't just let it hit the ground, right? And when you are busy catching a baby you are helpless to protect your pockets. So I guess it's a pretty sound tactic.
>> No. 74858
File 144199688282.jpg - (145.00KB , 900x1114 , poliwag_by_jewzeepapercraft-d4ccl7o.jpg )
One time I was high as fuck after a show and was talking to two girls and a guy which said they would buy me alcohol, because I was underage. Anyways I asked one of the girls if she was a gypsy because she was dressed like some fortune teller or something and she got very offended. Then yelled at me for following them even though I hellza had to go the same way as them, and wasn't trying to follow them.
>> No. 74859
File 144199786887.jpg - (58.25KB , 590x350 , roma.jpg )
Gypsies don't dress like fortune tellers, white hippies dress like fortune tellers. Gypsies dress like hobos or white trash. Gypsy women do sometimes wear scarves on their heads and long skirts, but it always comes off as trashy rather than fashionably bohemian.
>> No. 74860
File 144199808962.jpg - (198.68KB , 500x438 , gyps.jpg )
Gypsies in the UK are called irish travelers and dress like this.
>> No. 74862
I've never met a gypsy. Are they the result of some ancient curse.
>> No. 74866
They're proof of concept of what undocumented migrants do to Europe.
>> No. 74868
Yes. An ancient curse placed upon Europe, particularly places like Paris and London. There's also a ton of them shitting up eastern europe. From what I can gather, their culture raises them to become professional beggars and they have no manners towards gadjos-- they will literally shit on the street.
>> No. 74946
I want to creampie the fat one on the left and then leave her to raise the child alone.
>> No. 74948
Her 46 cousins and uncles will track you down and gang stab you and steal your wallet and cell phone.
>> No. 74949
File 144295641035.jpg - (49.50KB , 610x410 , irishtrav.jpg )
I've seen some decent gypsies. The ones who play music on the subway can be rather talented.
>> No. 74950
File 144296111267.png - (138.77KB , 334x444 , gyps.png )
>> No. 74952
>> No. 74981
The only gypsies I've ever encountered were in paris. They all try to swindle people.
>> No. 74989
And kidnapped babies, too. Gypsies kidnap kids.

>> No. 74995
File 144310836535.png - (291.94KB , 636x915 , Esmeralda-disney915.png )
It is amusing how the way Americans perceive gypsies and their culture seems to differ so much from reality. In America, gypsies are seen as exotic free spirited "noble savage" types, not crackheads.
>> No. 74996
That hardly started with Americans, Esmeralda came from a real French story after all and Carmen was also popular.
>> No. 74997
What was the actual story like? Disney tends to change the stories from their source material quite a bit.
>> No. 74998
She's essentially the same character, a kind-hearted dancing minstrel who helps Quasimodo out and basically falls in love with him. Disney did change some things, namely some of the extreme anti-gypsy bigotry displayed by other characters throughout the novel, as well as rape. That was actually one of the least tampered with stories, which is why it's also one of the darkest Disney movies.

Hugo's story was about prejudice of all kinds after all, Quasimodo was a ballza, kind person who was hated because of his looks and reduced to crime, where Esmeralda was a beautiful and kind person who was hated because she was a gypsy. Of course the twist is that she's not hellza a gypsy but rather the lost daughter of a gypsy-hater who believed that she was kidnapped and eaten by gypsies, so I dunno man.
>> No. 75007
In the story Frollo is actually the archdeacon of the Notre Dame. Everyone tries to fuck Esmeralda. Frollo stabs Phoebus out of jealousy. Afterwards Esmeralda is tortured and hanged, then Quasimodo pushes Frollo off the top of the Notre Dame, killing him. Finally Frollo lays by Esmerelda's corpse and weeps until he dies of starvation.
Quite a bit darker than the Disney version.
>> No. 75008
Your mom's butt was a lot darker than the Disney version.
>> No. 75023
The organised begging is so fucking annoying.
>> No. 75039
Doesn't her being stolen as a baby, raised a criminal, raped then burned/hanged all kind of justify the gypsy-hater's hate? Isn't that the kind of thing that he would hate them for?
>> No. 75041
>> No. 75042
whatever...all this racism against them isn't gonna make anything better.
>> No. 75043
File 144341003816.jpg - (27.29KB , 689x412 , zyklon200gHCN.jpg )
An Austrian painter once had a great idea on how to deal with them, unfortunately he died before he could put his solution into effect with any finality.
>> No. 75044
I'm pretty sure Klimt never had such a plan.
>> No. 75052
Klimt was a notorious racist and bigot, though.
>> No. 75054
Well, he's still Austrian, isn't he?
>> No. 75059
What would make things better?
>> No. 75061
Putting an end to a cycle of poverty meant only to serve the richest while leaving the varieties of poor folk fighting over who is hellza the problem. If you're playing along at home, when MLK started to advocate for this, that is when he got got vented.
>> No. 75063
Gypsies generally flat out refuse to work with the system, though. They refuse to get normal jobs because begging is part of their culture.
>> No. 75066
Gypsies are a slightly different case than Jews or blacks or whoever, due to not hellza having a country or nation to call their own and being historically nomadic. Still, the begging and stealing didn't come from nowhere, the rich people let the gypsies in originally for any number of reasons, those same rich people turn around and oppress them and the xenophobic culture ensures they stay poor no matter what they do, so stealing and begging becomes their resort. They stay poor for so long that begging and stealing effectively become part of their culture, and the patterns repeat themselves, making sure the working class always blame someone other than the rich people for their personal problems.
>> No. 75067
They had a country of their own, they largely came from northern India through the Ottoman Empire into Europe. The word "gypsy" reflects a common folk belief from the time that they came from Egypt, but in fact they did not.

When you are kicked out of fucking India for being a bunch of disgusting subhumans then maybe the time has come to consider that the problem is not everyone else but you. Gypsies are not capable of such introspection though, due to said subhumanism.
>> No. 75069
That origin story is not a matter of fact, and chances are they have been incredibly Euro-ized over the centuries. Like most out-groups there are problems that they can fix internally, but there's a reason that despite centuries of people bitching about gyspies, they're still everywhere doing their thing.

It's because the rich need a small but significant group of brownish poor people (or big-nosed rich people who aren't the dominant rich people) to scapegoat every now and then and kick up racial tensions. Like clockwork.
>> No. 75130
File 144381070328.gif - (829.50KB , 300x169 , 134039982722.gif )
I like to watch awful "reality" shows because they're obviously scripted to a pretty heavy extent and it makes for a very surreal experience. Particularly the ones about trashy people are interesting.

There's a show I watch sometimes called My Big Fat Gypsy wedding and it's pretty ridiculous how these people act and dress. It's also very sad to me because the girls only care about getting married and the wedding day as basically the only thing that will ever be important in their lives.

I've never known any Gyspsy/Romani/Travelers/whatever, but if my experience with shitty reality TV is any indication, it seems to be a pretty fucked up culture.

A similar thing happened with the Jews. When they first established communities in Europe, many times they were forbidden from performing any type of proper job, which left them with money-lending as their only source of income. As such, hundreds of years of handling money, loaning money, and collecting interest became a skill among the community, which simultaneously earned them a reputation as greedy.

Sad cycle and I would bet it's the same situation with the Gypsy. Don't let them perform any type of job so they beg until the cultural skill becomes begging.
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