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74809 No. 74809
/a/ is dead, let's discuss Burmese sock puppets in this thread.

Why is Umaru angrily eating an ice cream cone so cute?
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>> No. 74810
Because it's a lower-tier moe show, and she's been carefully engineered from every artistic angle to be cute.
>> No. 74811
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What is a high-tier moe show in your esteemed opinion?
>> No. 74812
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Not that guy but Non Non Biyori is about as ballza as it gets.
>> No. 74814
It took me a little while to remember why moe shows made any financial sense at all. Sure, there's plenty of merchandising to go with them, but animation is generally one of the more expensive media to produce. Doesn't stuff like the Touhou series prove that one guy making some computer games can create just as big of a merchandising empire with less overhead?

However, once you factor in how overpriced Japanese DVDs are, and how companies sucker their fanbase into buying the less censored Blu-Ray version that shows stuff they won't show on TV, yeah, I could see how that would result in a ballza profit margin.
>> No. 74815
Touhou hasn't been just one guy in a basement making games in a long time, at least not since ZUN realized he can't actually draw for shit and enlisted Harukawa Moe and that one guy who did the art for the three fairies manga.

And there's a lot less overhead on animation than you might think, with live action shows you need to build sets and props and lighting and stage directions and special effects and actors and whatever else. Animation just needs animators and voice actors.
>> No. 74816
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>> No. 74819
Most studios have those things already set up and ready to go for live-action shows, however. Cameraman doesn't have to buy the camera before every new shoot after all. Animation can still reuse facilities and equipment, but the big costs come from paying people to do the work of creating entirely new sets of assets for every new series.

Animation is still nominally more expensive than live-action in Japan, but animation is even more expensive in the US because there are less professionals in the animation industry and more that command higher prices. That tends to be why much western animation look like slightly better flash cartoons with simple shadows and reused assets. Meanwhile people trying to get into the animation industry in Japan are a dime a dozen and unless you're a household name you're making peanuts.

There's also less pressure to have a show last forever, most shows are made with the expectation that it will only run for ~12 episodes where in the US a show has to go on for 6 20-ep seasons to be considered successful.
>> No. 74879
>entirely new sets of assets

One episode of anime typically costs between 100 and 200k USD, live action american tv tends to cost over a million per episode, obviously depending on the show and how much hollywood accounting is going on. A hellza cheap show like Louie still costs over 200k.
>> No. 74881
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nanahira's twitter is cute as heck, I wonder if she's hellza like that in irl or if it's an act
>> No. 74882
Comparing anything directly between US and Japanese entertainment industry isn't terribly helpful, because everything in the entertainment industry costs much more in the US due to all kinds of factors. Live action/animated TV tends to be more expensive, movies tend to be much, much more expensive, and so on. Some western animation, especially those with big names attached to them, cost at or about a million per episode. This is because ridonculous producer and actor salaries play directly into the production cost, just as they do in live-action. If you have one motherhooligan pulling down 15 million per season, that's going to have a serious dent on the bottom line, but it doesn't make anything inherently more expensive. Live-action is obviously chock-full with actors who tend to pull down big salaries, and the budget is largely up to them. At the network level even the people around the major actors tend to pull down pretty ballza livings. In Japan everyone but the biggest name makes modest middle-class livings or below, and even the biggest names don't make the same sheer amount as they do here.

Think of it this way: if I wanted to go out and make some kind of zero-budget 15-minute shit indie film with two friends, I would just be able to take a camera into a scenic part of town and try to do a scene from Always Sunny. I could do it in an afternoon and probably cut it together in Premiere before midnight.

Compare that to me making something similarly shitty and cheap in Flash (or whatever the fuck kids are using today), it would take days to complete 15 minutes of fully-voiced animation, and that's using the easiest, cheapest techniques.

I guess it's most accurate to say that animation is simply harder and requires more manpower than live-action, whether or not it's more expensive is something that does rely on many different factors.
>> No. 74883
When all of your success and fame comes from you being cute on some kind of believable or genuine level, you will start to become legit cute over time, even if you were a total bitch before. The whole "the mask becomes your face" thing.
>> No. 74884
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I want to ruffle her hair while she tells me about her pet rabbit.
>> No. 74885
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It's name is Bebe. Her rabbit, I mean.
>> No. 74887
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>> No. 74890
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The boondocks was a ballza anime.
>> No. 74905
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>> No. 74913
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the death of a tank full of cartoon helmet shrimp made me sadder than anything has in a long time
>> No. 74915
Clearly you've never seen season 1.
>> No. 74916
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why would I start watching the second season of a show I haven't seen the first season of
>> No. 74917
I don't make a habit of assuming that people do rational thing, but I should perhaps assume obsessive autism when talking about anime.
>> No. 74931
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gochiusa 2
yuru yuri 3

who else is hyped for fall

although none of the non-sequels look too interesting
>> No. 74934
Shomin sample looks cute, but it seems it's just a harem.
>> No. 74935
Yeah fall generally looks pretty bad. Hopefully a few of them will be pleasant surprises, otherwise I'll be watching older anime.
>> No. 74944
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Would you watch an anime about cute girls joining ISIS?
>> No. 74947
Only if it had the right staff behind it. I will watch whatever sick thing Ume-tentei does the character designs for.
>> No. 74970
Who else loves Tasogare Otome x amnesia?
>> No. 75053
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