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File 141421380428.jpg - (185.89KB , 530x373 , burka-babes.jpg )
67462 No. 67462
I understand that underneath every burka is a little slut with a thong wedgie you can't believe.
Expand all images
>> No. 67465
File 141421812966.jpg - (233.69KB , 1280x853 , weddingdress.jpg )
I have an entire folder dedicated to pretty or sexyhot muslim girls
>> No. 67466
File 141421859444.jpg - (154.76KB , 500x667 , leopardbabe.jpg )
The idea that burqas make women more modest and less sexy is weird.

I can't explain it, but women can still be sexy in plain black burqas. It's in their eyes and their demeanor.
>> No. 67467
File 141421907351.jpg - (115.09KB , 700x933 , arab-burka-milf-AK4-hijab-round-tits-cute-pusssy-4.jpg )
>> No. 67468
File 141421922141.jpg - (58.21KB , 375x353 , Toastoyevsky.jpg )
There once was a really hot muslim girl that wanted to fuck me. But she was muslim and i wasn't gonna get stoned to death.

The end.
>> No. 67470
File 141421975932.jpg - (1.68MB , 2480x2179 , 82413f89920b77b5e45bf23ab13db6d3.jpg )
While modesty is a goal, one of the original and sustained goal of the burqas or different forms of it is partially what it looks like: to hide one's identity in public and make someone blend in. Women aren't supposed to call attention to themselves, and aren't supposed to show themselves off to non-family members/spouses.

It's somewhat ironic in western culture because people wearing such things do stand out and it broadcasts what religion they are and other personal details to people who otherwise wouldn't know it.

Also, 3D is still PD.
>> No. 67471
>fake tits
Oh Arabia

A friend of mine is from Pakistan and his wife can't show her face to non-family males but even in the full cover, she's obviously pretty and one time she came out and brought us tea with a scarf just loosely covering her face and I got a little peak of her face before looking away because I didn't want to make her uncomfortable but inside I was like "damn, son, she pretty as fuck."
>> No. 67472
I feel like I shoudl rewrite that horrible run on sentence but I'm drunk and would probably just make it worse.
>> No. 67483
File 141426984095.png - (539.64KB , 600x910 , hijabloli.png )
>> No. 67485
File 141427058067.jpg - (493.02KB , 1415x1000 , muslimhentai.jpg )
apparently muslim hentai is a thing
>> No. 67487
File 141427190956.jpg - (248.39KB , 1260x891 , abaya.jpg )
Even in arab countries, women can draw attention to themselves while wearing the veil because they can often choose the color of the fabric. Hijabs and abayas in particular are sold in a variety of bright colors.
>> No. 67488
This is true mostly in the more urban/progressive areas. Such bright colors/decoration would likely be discouraged in more conservative areas.

Sorta does depend on the country/region, though. In moderate Muslim countries like Indonesia and Malaysia the coverings, if even worn, tend to be more of a fashion statement and symbol of Islam than anything else. That tends to be where you find the more fancy ones.
>> No. 67492
File 141428533612.jpg - (42.04KB , 347x500 , braided.jpg )
I wish muslim wear didn't look so strange in the west. Head coverings are great for when you're having a bad hair day.
>> No. 67495
File 141428784874.gif - (159.52KB , 384x203 , glittetext.gif )
speaking of muslims, happy muslim new year. It's 2015 now.
>> No. 67496
I'm from Singapore and you are full of shit.
>> No. 67499
Well, no matter how wrong I might be, I can take solace in the fact that I don't live in Singapore.
>> No. 67501
Neither do I anymore. But I'm also glad, especially being a White Singaporean.
>> No. 67502
Singapore doesn't seem very conservative. Googling "singapore women" brings up a bunch of girls in bikinis.
>> No. 67504
Well, if Google Images says so, I'll defer my twenty years of living there to it and also to you. It is true. We all wear bikinis there and party around the clock with drugs, booze, and David Hasselhoff floor burgers.
>> No. 67505
It's mostly a comparative thing. If women are allowed in any public space in a bikini at all without being arrested, you live in a fairly liberal Muslim country.

If we're pretending Singapore is a Muslim country, which it's not.
>> No. 67506
Uh, no. I was only arguing against your portrayals of Malaysia and Indonesia as "moderate". They aren't. I used my history of living in the region, and actual travels to Malaysia and Indonesia, to call your bullshit what it is: bullshit. Also, Singapore is only a "fairly liberal Muslim country" because it's, well, only 10% Muslim, you fucking idiot.
>> No. 67507
USA is a fairly liberal African country.
>> No. 67508
You seem awfully defensive about this. Again, I'm using "moderate" comparatively. Compared to the Middle East and North Africa, it's certainly not conservative. Compared to other countries around them as well as to the west, maybe not.
>> No. 67509
File 141430140572.jpg - (74.37KB , 639x960 , despicableme.jpg )
But they are moderate. I've been to Kuala Lumpur and seeing women in clothes that showed a bit of skin wasn't uncommon at all. They even have anime conventions over there.
>> No. 67510
File 141430174662.jpg - (238.43KB , 1280x1707 , hijablolita6.jpg )
Fashionable muslims were everywhere in Kuala Lumpur, some of them were even wearing circle lenses.

The clothes people wore were more colorful than a gay pride parade. I miss that place.
>> No. 67521
Fuck Muslims they are scum and should all be killed, Hitler attacked the wrong race! These people are insane, they've been attacking people, not just us for hundreds and thousands of years. KILL THEM ALL and abolish all religion!
>> No. 67522
>> No. 67525
File 141435560052.jpg - (31.57KB , 467x281 , INDONESIA_-_miss_world_muslimah.jpg )
The Miss World Muslimah contest is held in Indonesia.
>> No. 67526
File 141435565793.jpg - (119.89KB , 624x637 , _78463617_swastika_comp624.jpg )
As a general rule, I show no quarter to iconoclasts.
>> No. 76721
File 14512722104.jpg - (104.50KB , 900x421 , Hz-Muhammed-Karikatürleri-36.jpg )
Where can I learn more about this lovely Jamila?
>> No. 76723
Isn't that just a glorified curtain competition?
>> No. 76733
I thought there was a hadith or two that said a husband couldn't stick it in his wife's "back passage" (as the Arabic euphemism is usually translated).

Maybe Islam is like Christianity, where the power of bootysex will water down their control over society.
>> No. 76735
Personally I think it's out of touch with the modern world and only serves to objectify curtains and put unrealistic, antiquated, and homogeneous expectations of beauty on curtains.

Curtains come in all shapes and sizes and different cultures value different types of curtains. But these contrived curtain pageants only serve to glorify one very narrow definition of curtainly beauty.

I'll take some big curvy black curtains over any of those pageant "curtains" any day.
>> No. 76736
I got on the bus the other day and there was a woman in a black full face covering burqa all black clothes, skeleton gloves and a black hat that said #BITEME

I wanted to talk to her because she looked cool as fuck. Sexy eyes and what appeared to be a slender, nice body under all the clothes.

Oh god my boner.
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