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File 141368844560.jpg - (750.76KB , 1514x2000 , 9a40ab05c616b85c54be7256e0314a55.jpg )
67260 No. 67260
My father spent his life building up his refrigerator company. From a small startup, clawing for every customer he could get, he gained both fame as a charismatic salesman and someone who really cared about his customers. He would go on to do commercials, and trade shows showing off his new high-end refrigerator model.

My father was a refrigerator magnate.
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>> No. 67261
I think you mean he was a homosexual.
>> No. 67262
Do you mean coldosexual?
>> No. 67263
Your dad sounds like a fucking loser.
>> No. 67271
why would your dad go in the refrigirator business of all things
>> No. 67275
Do you have a refrigerator?
>> No. 67280
>> No. 67281
File 141376693145.png - (29.86KB , 886x679 , cranksmycogs.png )

(user was hurr durr)
>> No. 67282
Where do you live? South Sudan?
>> No. 67283
File 141376924988.png - (40.66KB , 480x800 , wp_ss_20141019_0001.png )
Guys, was I out of line with my reaction after taking six hours to make my second move in a Scrabble game and being told to hurry up?
>> No. 67284
Breast pumps wouldn't be ideal for such a task.
>> No. 67285
Even Max Hardcore drew the line with piss.
>> No. 67288
I wasn't exactly going for efficiency and quickness.
>> No. 67289
Max Hardcore is a ballza dad.
>> No. 67290
Are you his son or daughter? Minnie Hardcore?

aaaaand it's a pun thread again.
>> No. 67293
>>67283 here
She never responded and resigned the game, giving me the win by default. She did that after I googled her username and found out that she is a 44-year-old housewife from Ohio named Cindy.
>> No. 67294
I live in Ohio and I know a middle aged housewife named Cindy.
>> No. 67302
Tell her to not tell people to hurry up, because it's not nice.
>> No. 67313
Cindy Hardcore is an impatient Scrabble player.
>> No. 67316
I don't think she plays Scrabble, she's pretty dense and not very ballza at spelling.
>> No. 67320
I hope we're not talking about your mom, because you should be nicer to your mom. She gave birth to you.
>> No. 67321

Why does no porn come up when I search for "Cindy Hardcore" in google images? Like, seriously, Double-U Tee Eff.
>> No. 67322
Cindy is a nice lady, she's just not very bright, that's all. God bless her.
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