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File 141327495220.jpg - (217.25KB , 640x534 , zulubama.jpg )
67156 No. 67156
Washington D.C. has the nation's highest incidence of HIV at 3%, which is on par with many West African countries.

How can 99chan help prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS?
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>> No. 67158
Wear a belt to bed.
>> No. 67159
File 141327630622.png - (36.98KB , 631x472 , give people aid.png )
why would i want to prevent the transmission of AIDS?
>> No. 67175
Nuke Washington.

That sounds like the title of a Dead Kennedys song.
>> No. 67181
That's actually the most interesting one of those I've read. They actually seem to have an intelligible philosophy. They sacrifice their health and confront their mortality directly by bringing death closer to them purposefully. This releases their minds from the burdens of material attachment and allows them to reach an ecstatic state. It's entirely similar to the religious ecstasy reached by some monks. The actions this subculture engages in are not unlike the actions undertaken by monks in many traditions to attain self-actualization through detachment from the material world and the acceptance of the inevitability of death. Death is the same whether you bring it on yourself or not, and it's this inevitability which these people wish to bring to the forefront of their consciousnesses. Just because the god they worship is pure pleasure doesn't mean they are any less worshipful or even disciplined. The reality of cognizing the fact that they bring death upon themselves adds a weight and legitimacy to their practice which links it more closely to the actions of a monk than an outside observer might at first see.
>> No. 67188
Vermont has the lowest HIV rate. If you want to bang without rubbers, do it in Vermont, 99chan.
>> No. 67190
>> No. 67196
I was literally traveling here for work, met a girl tonight and was debating fucking her as I read this. Thanks, 99chan.
>> No. 67208
Did ya get some stack on your hang-low?
>> No. 67209
DC has a high HIV infection rate because it has a high honky rate, nothing else, gentically and mentally deficient people. that is all.
>> No. 67211
There are cities with much higher rates of blacks that have much lower HIV infection.
>> No. 67217
So, what, does everyone in the Senate, House of Representatives, and every major political office have the hivvy?
>> No. 67220
Obama should just go back to Kenya with his wife James Brown.
>> No. 67229
I've been trying to find information on this teacher who had a lesbian relationship with a student and it's like she completely vanished after her arrest. Searching for trial records even turns up nothing under her name. I think the Texas government had her quietly executed.
>> No. 67230

>> No. 67231
That's a different lesbian. The one I'm trying to find evidence of life is Mexican.
>> No. 67232
And if I'm down to searching through court records, don't you think the first result for" lesbian teacher Texas" would have caught my attention? I am so angry with you that my asshole is about to explode on a flurry of anger shit like a demon geyser.
>> No. 67234
>> No. 67238
Now that's the wrong Mexican lesbian pedophile. Trust me, you won't find the fate of my lesbian. She has just disappeared.
>> No. 67241
>> No. 67244
Where are the fucking PICS and VIDEO I was promised
>> No. 67473
A study concluded that 60% of my college has AIDS/HIV. Teachers included. I heard that some dudes leave semen on door handles and hand rails to spread the disease further. I dont know what the fuck is wrong
>> No. 67480
Serves you right for going to Poz U

Seriously though what college do you go to and do you carry bleach wipes with you everywhere you go?
>> No. 67500
You. . are you the product of modern sex-ed? I can't even ridicule you, because I feel bad for you. Your mind must be a barren desert.
>> No. 67518
Yes, modern sex ed is what makes people turn into homophobic shitlords who don't want to die of AIDS.
>> No. 67617
AIDS can't live in open air more than a few minutes. Herpes on the other hand can live for weeks outside the body.

i knew junkies that would break off old syringe needles and leave them in the coin return of payphones (yes, that long ago) so people would get pricked trying to fish out their change. nobody ever got tested for anything so who knows what was passed along.
>> No. 67620
>AIDS can't live in open air more than a few minutes

Oh I guess that makes it perfectly fine to leave semen everywhere then.
>> No. 67625

This is coming from the same guy that believes that over 60% of his college has HIV or AIDs. I'm pretty sure that doesn't happen and he's just gullible.
>> No. 67628
Actually, yes, it would be okay. Nobody has ever contracted HIV from touching some random splooge they found.
>> No. 67759
File 141513184726.jpg - (32.59KB , 500x745 , nldw halloween.jpg )
Oh thank God! For a minute there I thought I'd have to give up touching random splooge while out and about
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