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File 141316275318.jpg - (206.44KB , 1360x920 , tomo.jpg )
67120 No. 67120
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>> No. 67127
>> No. 67128
Frosty Theresa Wanderlust
>> No. 67129
Yes, "fuck the world" indeed.
>> No. 67130
Meh, their faces all look alike.
>> No. 67132
Their faces all look like Johnny Carson to me.
>> No. 67133
File 141317930641.png - (545.40KB , 1360x945 , Untitled.png )
The resemblance is uncanny.
>> No. 67134
File 141318062361.jpg - (155.62KB , 1920x1080 , how_does_apple function.jpg )
Children always harass me on the street because of my sneakers.
>> No. 67139
>> No. 67258
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I get harassed by children in the most weird way.
Every 12/15 year old girl I've ever come in contact with develops an obsessive crush on me to the point were I can't go to parts of my neighborhood and sometimes I need to move away, I'm in my mid-20s and I don't need lolicons running up to me and trying to hold my hand. I'm not going to jail for your horniness or whatever.

When I'm not around they talk to their friends saying: "omg! He's sooo cute!" I'm disturbed by this and sometimes paranoid to leave my house.
>> No. 67259
That does sound rough. There should be a support group for people who can't shake off the aggressive sexual advances of teenagers.
>> No. 67265

It's bad and when I tell them "I'm not interested" or I straight up tell them to "piss off" they just see that as a challenge and come at me harder. One time this 12 year old girl just ran up to me and hugged me and not letting go.

A pedophiles dream is my nightmare.
>> No. 67267
Reagan thought AIDS was hilarious and it took 10 years and 200,000 deaths to appoint anyone in charge of the epidemic. It took Obama 1 Ebola case to appoint someone in charge.

>> No. 67274
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