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File 134482914884.jpg - (39.55KB , 400x500 , comeatmegirl.jpg )
999 No. 999
I feel like shit, I'm so lost.

I'm a femanon who has grown up with nothing but male friends due to being alienated from females because I don't hold an interest in all things dolly/girly. For years I have regarded males as my brethren because they showed me kindness when I couldn't get it from my own sex. They shared my interests, they understood me, and treated me as one of their own. An "honorary bro" they called me.

Now I am being alienated from them as well, for they now see me as female first and friend second, no matter how much we act alike, think alike, talk alike. Suddenly a guy's night out no longer included me.

I feel so hopelessly alone. I used to be able to talk to my bf about these things, he knows every detail of my past and about my situation. He feels I am wrong for feeling the way I feel about being excluded from the only gender that has ever accepted me. He grew frustrated with me when I tried to explain myself why this affects me so greatly, and yelled about how I don't respect what a "bros night" mean.

He used to hold the same views as me in terms of gender equality, he was all for it. But now he's against me because he's letting a male friend of his that he asked about the situation get to him. Said male friend in question told him that I don't respect him, because a bros night is very important to males or something like that. I asked him what went on when they decided to exclude me, and he said everything was the same. Nothing was different at all.

I feel as if I'm losing the only group that ever called me family. I feel as if I'm in a class of my own. Like I don't have a gender and I'm a different species. This loneliness is crushing me, and has made me think several times about taking my life. What's there to live for if you don't have people who understand you? I don't want to be alone...

Can anyone please help me with some advice on this? And maybe explain to me why when someone brings up male and females getting along, people want to attack them for it? Is that really so wrong to want that? Why do they feel that there is such a need for this diversity?
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>> No. 1000
And yes, I have tried to connect with other females. But it's like even now I'm still seen as undesirable for a friend to them. I've been to so many chatrooms looking for likeminded females who share a common interest with me. The conversation usually winds up going nowhere, no matter how hard I try and it's frustrating. So frustrating.

Please tell me that I'm not going to be alone for the rest of my life, anons. I don't know what else to do.
>> No. 1001
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Standard qualifers - I don't speak for everyone, only you can solve your own problems, I'm shooting straight and not candy coating things, etc. That said, I'm going to answer your post(s) in reverse!

We can't tell you you're not going to be alone. Nobody can tell you that with certainty. To borrow a bit from the Buddha, "If you find an intelligent companion who will walk with you,who lives wisely, soberly, overcoming all dangers, walk with that person in joy and thoughtfulness. If you find no intelligent companion who will walk with you, who lives wisely and soberly, walk alone like a king who has renounced a conquered kingdom or like an elephant in the forest. It is better to live alone; there is no companionship with a fool. Let a person walk alone with few wishes, committing no wrong, like an elephant in the forest."

You'd probably get along with my wife. She come from the same circumstances as you and doesn't quite mesh with peers of her sex and is frequently stymied by the lack of common interests.This really bothered her when first we met and she's come to kinda let it go in time. The problem is largely sociological and the only real way to beat it is to educate those you meet or meet those who have already been educated enough for this to not be an issue. It's a tall order but very rewarding.

You shouldn't try to identify too strongly with males or females. Firstly, you are a human being. We tend to arbitrarily define ourselves based on this quality or that quality, but big fucking deal. I hang with dudes, I hang with gals, and frankly? Being a guy? I prefer the company of females. Because they always have to deal with so much unnecessary shit, they seem to have their heads screwed on right and not spout off like idiots as quickly. More than what genitals a person has, it's the quality of character that attracts me to someone's company. I suggest you sort out your priorities and not put so much emphasis on what people are so much as who they are. Dismiss those who don't.

If your boyfriend was swayed from you by HIS boyfriend, well, c`est la vie. Take comfort in that you didn't lose much and deserve far better. "Bros night" is some ol' bullshit. Fun can be had with any/everyone. Different strokes for different folks, sure, but if your good time rests on excluding others, your good time kinda sucks.

Ma'am, I'm sorry you're going through what you're going through. I'm sorry that society has compelled my gender to act like massive dickholes instead of the gentlemanly standard to which we were once held and held ourselves to. If we were geographically compatible, I'd take you out for a drink. That said, there's very little you can do in your situation but do some growing and rise above it. It's not an easy solution, but it's almost always the best.

Good luck and best wishes.
>> No. 1002
Your post brought tears to my eyes. It's the first kind post anyone has ever given me. Usually I'm beset by comments like "They'll like you if you start sucking dick" or some other disheartening cruel words.

I will take your advice sir, and I'm sure your wife is very very lucky to have found someone who accepts her for who she is. I find it comforting that I am not alone in this.

The gender thing had become a sore point for me because that is what everyone I meet seem to find the problem with me in. That is, I don't conform to stereotypes and follow my own path rather than one that is predetermined by societal standards. That is really the source of my problem.

Thank you for the drink offer, btw.

And thank you for your kindness, good sir.
>> No. 1003
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If I was able to provide any solace it's mostly because I often feel the same way. I think the world is sick. I feel alone, helpless, and alienated by virtually everything around me. I've got a small protective bubble of friends but mostly just try to keep a cool head and persevere. If you don't like who you are, be somebody else. If you don't like the world around you, hold tight and lead by example. Really the best strategies I've discovered so far.

To reject premade roads and pave your own path in life is way more work than taking the easy walk others would have you take. It'll kill you or make you stronger. For some folks, it's the only option available. Keep your chin up and consider these early years of ours an exercise in stoicism.

Keep being rad.
>> No. 1004
What makes you feel like you're alienated, if you don't mind my asking. You've piqued my curiosity.
>> No. 1005
... you've got a boyfriend, but you feel lonely?
>> No. 1006
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Is it so peculiar for one to feel lonely while attached? There are seven billion people walking this planet's surface. Just because one joins one hardly means a person suddenly feels a great abundance of sympathetic companionship. If anything, I suggest two can be as bad as one, it's the loneliest number since the number one.


I never learned how to society as a child. Or rather, I learned very early and very well and have summarily rejected many of the inherent principles required to, as some might say, "play the game." I understand why things are the way they are and why most folks behave the way they do but I disagree on a fundamental level that it need be so or that this is the best we as a species are capable of. In the year 2012 we still discriminate between sexes, races, creeds, sexualities, etc. It is, apparently, the business of the powers that be what I do and how I do it regardless of (lack of) harm to others. We are told what is fit to view, to read, to hear. Free speech is censored with abandon. Free thought is on the way out with insidious legislature proposed by lobbyists and passed by ignorant old white men. Ideas are property. Everyone's yelling as loud as they can and nobody's listening. I can't get behind it at all.

I'm alienated from my sex because I'm not "bro" enough. I don't believe in slut shaming, that women are obligated to shave any more than a man, that meat is requisite at meals, that farts are hilarious, and whatever other propaganda we males have been told identifies us.
I'm alienated from my race because I don't revel in being "at the top." I don't believe I'm inherently better than people of different colors.
I'm alienated from my countrymen because I don't think we live up to our potential and have a lot to learn from the rest of the world.

I feel alienated by a world that seems to insist on fighting when I pursue friendship. I feel alienated by a culture that requires dishonesty and deceit to make "progress." I'm alienated by those who confuse capital with progress. The world is sick. It's a big, big place and I can only fix so much of it alone. I'm quite aware I sound like the most bleeding heart leftist sort of worthless hippie, but I personally identify more as a science-minded conservative, if somewhat idealistic. I could be quite a bit more influential to the world if I chose to actively take part but by all reckoning it would cost my integrity to do so and that's a price I'm not willing to consider or discuss, much less pay.

I meet people, I do my best to help people and improve my immediate environment and the lives of those around me but ultimately the path of the world isn't up to me, it's up to us. What few lives I can influence, I try to by quietly leading by example. The path we've chosen is diametrically opposed to my own and I don't participate in following. Quite simply, I feel alienated because I don't belong here. Even among my peers and interest groups, I'm the odd one out. If it must be so, I'm cool with that but it won't stop me from searching for anyone who might just see a future world like the one I do. In the meantime, I will walk like an elephant in the forest.

tl;dr - I feel alienated because I'm a 25 year old psuedo-philosopher hippie who thinks he knows what's best for everybody else. Boo hoo, everyone sucks and everything's unfair.
>> No. 1008
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> because a bros night is very important to males or something like that.
It's as big a load of horseshit as girls night, without the flimsy "we need a safe space" excuse.
>I'm alienated from my sex because I'm not "bro" enough. I don't believe in slut shaming, that women are obligated to shave any more than a man, that meat is requisite at meals,
Cool! Good on you.
>that farts are hilarious
Go on. Tell me about your gender dysphoria next.
>> No. 1009
You guys seem pretty cool. I'd gladly share a drink with either of you.
>> No. 1026
Hi there. It's not normally relevant, but I'm also female. I've gone through periods of loneliness and feeling alienated from people, and it's not a fun place to be. >>1001 has said a lot of wise things,and I don't know what else to say except to heed his words.

I guess the only thing I can add is that I think the feeling of alienation does not only come from the actions of others. How you perceive, and react to those actions, affects it too. From personal experience, taking others' actions as personal attacks caused me to withdraw into myself, and didn't solve anything. Also lack of communication made everything worse. Communication is the bedrock of relationships, even when it's uncomfortable. I'm still learning how to do it well.

Anyways, popping in to say that you all seem like decent folk, and to entice invite you to come hang out in #mind on irc.99chan.org.
>> No. 1034

I've been lurking around these parts for 3 years now. I drop in and out, dispensing advice with funny images and gifs occasionally. I've checked out IRC occasionally as PsychoNautilus, but it seems like I'm always waiting for someone to talk to when I do. We used to have way more traffic, so I suspect it's even more dead now.

But hey, since you were so kind as to extend the invitation, I'll give it a whirl. I'll be in #mind and such for a few days, see what's shakin'. Anything in particular I should know?
>> No. 1036
If I may ask, what are your interests?

I imagine you have been excluded from guys night because they discussed it and realized they just didn't like having you around. They enjoy your company sometimes but not all the time. I can relate because I spend a ton of time with my girlfriend and sometimes I won't invite her to hangout with my friends because I just want to be with the guys. I don't act any different but I like want to be away sometimes.
>> No. 1315
This is the most sensible post yet.

So, here's the deal.
You don't like girly stuff, and your BF is trying to not get sick of you.
The answer is to do non-girly stuff on your own.

Look for a game store in your area and see if they do a board game night. Go play Dominion or Settlers of Catan and make some casual friends of your own.

Most of all, stop being a girl about getting excluded from brotimes. Everything you posted here is an over-sensitive example of why you need to step off it and get out more on your own.

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