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File 134456714880.jpg - (308.43KB , 1107x555 , photo.jpg )
979 No. 979
I need some advice here
I don't know if I am straight gay or bi...
I never loved anyone :/
Well offcoarse my mom and dad, but I never felt something for a person.
I am 16 and my friends are laughing at me for never getting laid.
May I ask for your advice, and how does it feel to love someone?


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>> No. 981
You're still a kid, so don't worry about it. Your friends are idiots, but, considering their age, that's no surprise. You can always tell them to fuck off, or tell a lie, if they keep pressuring you.

I have a feeling you'll get a two years ban.
>> No. 982
File 134457916542.jpg - (50.25KB , 485x604 , 1344558949272.jpg )
Hey at least he isn't shitposting. Cut him some slack..
>> No. 983
You're not exactly behind the curve if you've never had sex at 16. Tell your friends to fuck off, chances are most of them haven't had sex either, even the ones who say they have.
>> No. 992
I didn't have sex till 22.

Of course I never told anyone that.

And for the record, to determine whether you are straight, gay, or bi...
1)Think about having sex with chicks. Does this make you get hard?
2)Think about having sex with a guy. Does this make you get hard?
If 1=yes&2=no, you are straight.
If 2=yes&1=no, you are gay.
If 1=yes&2=yes, you are bi.
If both=no, try doing it while playing with your junk and stroking it.
If still no, then you're probably just not ready for sex yet physically.
>> No. 993
You never know, he could be asexual.
>> No. 997
This, society imposes unrealistic expectations sometimes. It's not a problem if you don't think it is.

Besides, love isn't the same as getting laid.
>> No. 1244
You shouldn't worry about labels like straight, gay, or bi, too much. sexuality is often a gray area thing, not black and white. Its not really important to decide, just go with whatever you feel when things happen.
>> No. 1251
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I have a friend who has been flip flopping for a decade now. He recently decided he is pansexual after taking about 100 different dicks in the ass over a period of 6 or 7 years. Now he's fucking some girl and is incredibly happy. I guess good guys are too hard to find here, or they're too fickle in relationships. I don't know if he would have had the same experience in sexuality should have have found a nice guy.

I even got jerked off by him and have had some other, not always plesant in hindsight, experiences. I've also had transgender feelings more often than not, but I have a great girlfriend right now so it's not something that really comes to mind regularly, as it is.

It doesn't really matter, even if social pressures make you think otherwise. Also, I still haven't had sex yet and am in my early 20s.
>> No. 1261
File 13549198361.jpg - (5.15KB , 231x205 , 1207189686125-1.jpg )
Everybody shut the fuck up, don't worry son you will be ok.
>> No. 1262
>Hey at least he isn't shitposting.

>Sexuality questions go in /docta/

That is, unless this is meant to become a medical discussion about how OPs amygdala is irregular.
If that's the case, here that goes.

Medical issue -> abnormal reward/response -> nebulous sexuality -> op posts some cat picture titled "photo.jpg" -> you are a furry. Sorry, bro.
>> No. 1267
This terrible thread is from fucking October. Who bumped it?

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