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File 134421769116.jpg - (41.29KB , 600x329 , Pet-Valu0223.jpg )
969 No. 969
Would any of you happen to know if the U.S. branch of Pet Valu drug tests new employees? I just had a pretty successful first interview there for Sales Associate, with a promise of a second/final interview with the district manager. However, I also have all this weed.

Google turned up no results on the issue. Does anyone know for sure?
>> No. 970
Also I've smoked as recently as last night, but that's not all that important.

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>> No. 971
I find it hilarious that you can barely get a job at a pet store, and that you'd be willing to risk this potential job prospect by smoking your precious weed. Pathetic.

They likely will drug test you.
>> No. 972
Why do you have to be a cock? It was a simple question.

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>> No. 973
Don't smoke any weed for a while until you know what the company's drug testing policy is.

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