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936 No. 936
For reasons that aren't worth mentioning.
I'm going to be homeless.
I have a car and little to no money.
I intend to drift to the NorthWestern U.S. (washington state)

Give your tips but, also feel free to tell any stories you might have.

I got things packed and I got warm clothes for winter..
Any other bits of advice you can give me would be a stellar help to me.
>> No. 937
OP here,
got some supplies,
-Blanket, sleeping bag, water bottles, folding knife.
-some snacks.
>> No. 940
If you're hoping to get a job, the Northwest isn't a great place. There's a ton of hipsters and wannabe hippies who have moved there and are unemployed. They aren't going to be giving you any money either. Unless you have some really useful skills (more than a BA) you're probably going to stay homeless.

Also, where are you coming from? It's going to be tough to afford gas if you're going really long distance. And keep in mind that you're going to need clothes for all sorts of weather in the northwest. Clothes for warm and cold, rain and snow. Mostly lots and lots of rain.

Be prepared to have a really, really awful time. Being homeless sucks.
>> No. 941
Get rid of your car once you get to where you're going. Alternatively, sell your car now and hitchhike to Washington. Selling now would no doubt save you a ton of money which you would otherwise spend on fuel and car repair. I am guessing the amount you would save would be at least enough for one month's rent, which would obviously fix your homeless scenario.

I don't know what rent is like in the Northwest, but I am assuming you should be able to find a small, no frills apartment in a smaller, grittier town for $350-400.

Just get a bike when you get there and use that to get to wherever you're going.
>> No. 954
I was homeless once, but I kept moving so I was able to tell people I was "travelling" or "walking the earth" or some other kind of voodoo nonsense to make people think of Jack Keroac or any damn thing else besides "homeless dude".

Go south for the winter, that way you can pack lighter.

If you are going to hitch, make sure you shave your face. For some reason people won't pick you up if you are hairy.

You can find day labor in any major city to make cash.

If you need to get high hit up any road named after MLK and someone will be able to hook you up.

Don't do heroin.
>> No. 955
I'm in Vegas.
I don't have a B.A but, I have 5 years successful work experience at one big ass company.
>> No. 1114
My suggestion is just head to the southeast instead, we're doing pretty dang well actually
>> No. 1115
Plenty of jobs in several industries, and a crap ton of apartments being built in the north Georgia area
>> No. 1125

Move to Cuba land. It's great here, and a Vegas man will surely find some work. Legal or no. Though most likely no.
>> No. 1126
Vegas native? I'd suggest not being homeless in WA over the winter. The weather can be pretty brutally cold especially if you're not used to cold, snowy winters.
>> No. 1127
Northwest is raintown. Have a plan to stay dry.

BTWs, It's piss-easy to find a job in Portland that'll pay the rent. Only reason people are unemployed in this town is because they're too lazy or entitled to put in work.
>> No. 1133
Past the Cascades, eastern WA is pretty dry. Central is technically a desert. Still gets cold as shit though. And most of central's precip happens during the winter.

As a WA native I would not recommend being homeless here, especially if you've never spent a winter here before and are coming from mild winters like Vegas.

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