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1738 No. 1738
When someone says they're $20 grand in debt, what does that mean, exactly?

I have $3,000 on my credit card that I'm gradually paying off; does that mean I'm three grand "in debt"?
>> No. 1740
It means they have a debt of 20 grand. This is not hard.
>> No. 1741
grand = 1000
>> No. 1743
Thanks for all the info, assholes.
>> No. 1744
>> No. 1745
It's actually not that stupid of a question, when people say they are "in debt" they usually don't count student loan debt or car debt or mortgage debt. People tend to see those things more as paying something off over time (though it's not).

So yeah, when someone says "I'm 20k in debt" they are usually referring to credit card debt or other personal loan debts from loan sharks or pawn shops or some shit. But usually credit card. When you actually sit back and think about how much debt most people ACTUALLY have, it can make your head spin a bit.
>> No. 1758
>when people say they are "in debt" they usually don't count student loan debt or car debt or mortgage debt.
Specifically, people mean they have consumer debt. As in the debt is for useless shit they consumer as opposed to actual assets like a car or house. But other than the semantics yeah consumer debt tends to be credit cards or personal loans.

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