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1666 No. 1666
I have really bad anxiety. But i'm anxious (haha) over what I should do. I plan to get my disability documents, then ask them to destroy them...that is, for the time being, while I try for the military reserves (they vet for mental illness, I can definitely pass, unless they find these records of mine...).. then reinstate them so that I can apply for the internship opportunities that are privileged opportunities for disabled people.
>> No. 1667
There are reasons why mental illnesses are an immediate barrier to entry for the military. You would not be able to handle the training, much less the actual deployments. If that doesn't put you off, imagine how hard you're going to get fucked over when (not if) they find out that you lied on your application.

When you say "them" do you mean some sort of medical establishment? Because nobody is going to do that for you.

I just realised that you didn't actually ask a question. The fuck do you want?
>> No. 1672

No, no, the kind of answer you gave is exactly what I was looking for. Sorry for not asking an explicit question, but you seemed to get what I was asking.

I'm going to accept that I'm not suited for the military. But I like to fantasise I'm all tough and stuff anyway. I guess it will just stay a fantasy.

My experience of anxiety is persistent, often seems uncontrollable and overwhelming. I feel an excessive dread of everyday situations. I feel it coming on and consuming me in the course of my daily activities. I experience everything from social anxiety, panic, obsessions, compulsions, hair-pulling and more - seemingly the whole spectrum of anxiety. Routine activities, or even the lack of activities, or lack of routine, all cause me significant distress. I feel judged, embarrassed and humiliated and a fear that makes me feel out of my body in social situations, some of which I avoid. I get preoccupied with the fear of panic. I sometimes irrationally avoid certain arrangements of matter around me, certain patterns and orders and positions of things which signal a inexplicable danger. Sometimes I find myself coping with such situations with repetitive actions, checking and arranging. I sometimes find myself immersed into some memories that tear at my emotions.
>> No. 1677

You should probably go to a doctor and describe those symptoms, then ask for help. Being registered disabled isn't an end of your useful life, there are medications and groups that can help people in your situation, if you ask for the help.

There's absolutely no reason for you to feel the way you do. Help is available, you might not be able to ask for it tomorrow, or the day after, but at some point you will be able to and from there things will only get better.

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