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1641 No. 1641
I guess I could post this in /money/ but there's other issues as well so I will just ask here.

>tl;dr I tend to get panic attacks I burn my money on useless shit and I need to stop this.

Life sucks for me. As I write this, it's been almost like 3 months I am waiting for social services to refer me to someone like a psychiatrist who can help me because I have no money to burn on a private shrink.

I have no control over how I spend my money. I usually spend it on junk food and booze. My job fucking sucks balls working in a call center. I could look for something else but I can't do anything physical because of an ankle issue due to an accident. I also have anxiety issues which results in panic attack and feeling like overall shit. And because I have panic attacks, I don't work and have less money and I stress more cause I don't have money which results in a panic attack and so on.

I need someone to coach me in life. I have a close friend I met online which is the only support I have aside from a co-worker who understands how I feel, lends me money when I need it and is an overall fun guy.

I tried meds for my anxiety issues. I didn't like the overall feeling of feeling like an empty shell. LIke being there but not ''there''.

It's hard to talk about my issues to someone because of the shame and overall carelessness of people who think of my anxiety as ''not a big deal''. I get physical symptomes out of it. It's not all in my head. I have a friend who works in the medical field that told me that it's probably due to a chemical imbalancement in my brain.

I've been awake since like 1am last night when my anxiety kicked it and I am about to go to work. Last time I went there during a panic attack, it did me well to get my mind off things.

I need like tricks to calm down and like control myself from spending impulsively. Money is the root of all my anxiety issues
>> No. 1643
Worst comes to worst, put your money in bonds and certificates. You literally cannot get that money back until it matures or you sell them.

I also used to put money in accounts that I would never touch, or accumulate enough false entries to be locked out of. Since I could always use my other accounts, often times I don't bother to reset them. Basically, my laziness works in my favor.

I like to set apart a certain amount, with which I can be ostentatious. To compare it to weed smoking, when you buy an 8th, you should lock your stash in a closet, and keep a dime at a time for personal use. And say, "I'm only going to smoke this until X amount of time." It allows you to splurge, but stay on a budget as well. This method is also perfect for when friends are over. They won't pressure you to smoke all your stash, if you all kill of a significant, yet discrete, measure.
>> No. 1645
In addendum, taking a small account to empty is more emotionally involved than taking a far larger amount from a stable account. I have anxiety as well, and I have found that my mental states often can be triggered by even trivial events. My anxiety would reverse and prevent me from spending all that money, because the fear of an overdraft would be more powerful than whatever I had been previously fearing at that time.

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