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1508 No. 1508
hey /ask/, I had a few questions about the silk road. I apologize if they are stupid questions, but before I use TOR, I just wanted to get some things out of the way.

Are things usually sold for x amounts of bit coins and not the actual street price that the drug would be sold for? I was looking at the price of bit coins around me and the price for one bit coin was almost $140.00! Now, I was thinking about it and I determined that if a vendor wanted to sell 5 hits of acid for one bit coin, then that would be way too expensive. I am gonna check the prices for acid because that is what i would buy.

Furthermore, I can't figure out a good address to get these shipped to. Anyone have any good suggestions on how to get these shipped to you without going through your actual address? Has anyone just put their actual address and had their package shipped there?

Sorry if this sounds noobish. I am gonna go on TOR now...
>> No. 1509
OK, I did some checking.

The price of the drug varies, but unless you are buying a shit ton of it, you are probably not dealing with whole bit coin amounts.

Now, as far as where to have stuff shipped... That still remains a mystery.
>> No. 1513
Ship it to your house with a fake name and make sure the bitcoins cant be connected to you (probably cant). In the event you are busted upon receipt of the drugs, it seems to me that you might have some chance of denying that the package was yours. I'm no lawyer and have never purchased anything off the silk road, just my take on the situation.
>> No. 1516
He's posting about breaking the law on a public forum that can most assuredly be traced back to him to prove intent if caught. OP, find a connection IRL, like normal people. Don't trust that the information you provide, the information that could tie you to an illegal act, will be kept confidential. Tor node operators behind things like The Silk Road have contingency plans if ever caught (read: they're taking you down with them).

Only an idiot in this day and age would think feigning ignorance will save his stupid ass from prison. Don't leave paper/digital-trails when doing illegal things.

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