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File 136812032945.jpg - (41.41KB , 536x600 , 27_king.jpg )
1489 No. 1489
There's something I don't quite get /ask/.

I've been looking for a second job for some time now because I am fed up of mine and also because with my current one, there's usually a down-time during summer and we get far less working hours. I've been called to two interviews so far amongst the 30+ C.V.s I sent and applications I did and those are the only ones who ever replied to me were from placement agencies. I fucking hate them in general but I overlook it because I want something else badly for a job right now before it's too late.

When I got there, I was pretty much the only one dressed neatly and came prepared with all necessary documents. During interviews, I look professional and I am confident while most people that comes in are dressed in a t-shirt and jeans and gets something for a job in the end. They barely speak any of the official languages from where I am and they don't even seem to understand how to apply for a job. No matter how neat of an image I project to those companies I never get a callback from them. It's more of a ''Don't call us, we'll call you'' type of deal. One of the last companies I tried told me initially to call them the following day while they try to reach their client to submit my application to them. After a few days of back and forth like that, they say ''we'll call you back when we get some news''.

I have tried other companies which aren't placement agencies but I still get nothing. All the jobs I applied for so far are jobs in which I have actual experience in too.

What am I doing wrong here?
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>> No. 1492
You live in the UK. You are probably not aiming for cleaning or entry-level minimum-training semi-proletarianised white-collar work or training. As far as I know, no meticulousness in adherence to normative social protocol will redeem you by other means. You are asking us for social commentary of a practical nature re. the UK and we are mostly yanks and kanoots.

What you are doing wrong: Not using internet brokerage to systematise you risks and minimise the time required to use part-time work to buy your freedom to live off the continued increase of your capital. Unless, that is, you value the people who pour most of the shit in your life now onto you as sources of structure around which to build your experience.

SAGE has been used.
>> No. 1493
mate it depends what kinda job you apply for. There was this job for engineering students and shitloads of people applied. I went there in my normal clean close and lots of students i know from uni where there too. All in suits. The thing is the job was working in production, maintaining mechanical components and writing status reports on a clipboard. Its a steel factory so everyone who works in it is dirty. Dress for the job you are going to have mate.
Secondly, i dont know how old are you but that might be an issue.
Last but not least, people who have to much "interview" training and give the standard answers to every questions without letting the interviewer know what kinda person they are, do NOT leave an impression.
>> No. 1532
File 137213469074.png - (165.17KB , 500x500 , tumblr_lz998eaJMv1r73o6ho1_500.png )
In my experience in the USA, it seems like the only way to get a job is through knowing the right person. When I got hired at my current job, someone I went to school with posted on facebook something like "who wants a job." Of course, a dozen people we're like "me!" but I was the only person to walk in and awkwardly apply. They hired me on the spot because that person had a good relationship with the boss and with me. But wtf do I know? I've only had two jobs ever. I do know that my lonely old dad is still unemployed and I've helped him file hundreds of online applications, and that I've seen plenty of people walk in to where I work for an application and I've never seen them since. Just seems like companies want to "hire within the family," so to speak. Also charisma probably helps. Especially in an IT field full of awkward fucks.

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