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File 136344389583.jpg - (46.32KB , 1024x601 , Flat What.jpg )
1433 No. 1433
This is going to come off as either whiny as fuck or a job for /docta/, but I figure I'll give it a shot anyway.

How do I forget somebody? If you know me off 99chan, you've probably heard this story, but a year or two ago I had a fling with a girl I knew from high school. A purely digital fling, because she had a boyfriend at the time, but I still saw her tits, so that's slightly less pathetic maybe.

Through much discussion I learned she was very much into rape-play. I was a decent enough boy-toy, though she eventually broke it off because she had a boyfriend the entire time already. Understandably, being the autismal fuck that I am, I was upset about this. Later on she attempted to make friends with me again, still in that same relationship, and so I told her flat out that we shouldn't talk anymore, because it just makes me angry/depressed. I haven't heard from her since, outside her posting on mutual-friend's things on Facebook.

Long story short, how do I forget this girl before I break down and hate-rape her?
>> No. 1435
You do the manly thing, and drink a beer every time you think of her. Eventually, you'll kill all the brain cells that have anything to do with her. Or, you could distract yourself with less self-destructive things.
>> No. 1445
Redirect your energy in positive ways - constructive projects, creative projects, learning new skills... Work on socializing so that you'll be more likely to meet another girl you like and who is better for you.

Use that gavel I mailed you to bang on things. Banging on things always cheers me up.

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