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1431 No. 1431
I'm 22 years old.

I don't want to have a job ever. I had a part time job when I was 16 but quit after a week. I don't like being around people (I'm not phobic) and I just don't have the motivation to work. I'm miserable living with my parents.

if I can have food, quietness, internet, a place to stay and be left alone i will be happy

What can I do. please help
>> No. 1432
Get married. Observe black people/white trash and see how they pull it off. I guess another option would be to post up behind a coffee shop or something where you could steal their wi-fi, eat their trash, and live in a box, but of course you risk being molested by homeless dudes. Oh, and you could always grow the fuck up and get a job like millions of other unmotivated adults.
>> No. 1436
Get a job, and hopefully a job that you enjoy. Whore yourself for every opportunity in that job for hours. I mean every opportunity, be there earning your money. Hell, get two jobs.

Monitor every fucking penny. If it doesn't immediately go towards your continued survival and sanity, don't spend it.

Save money. I mean this. If possibly, stay with your parents for a while and just bank your checks. When you do move out, consider having roommates. Two people splitting a two bedroom apartment is cheaper than one person in an efficiency.

Don't be a dumbass, and godspeed.
>> No. 1437
>grow the fuck up and get a job like millions of other unmotivated adults.

SAGE has been used.
>> No. 1454
Try to get on SSDI and do freelance work online on the side like blogging. In the mean time try to get unemployment benefits even if it means you have to get a job. For food apply for EBT and go to food-giveaways (where I live you just drive up to a parking lot and the Slavation Army puts a box of food in your trunk). Apply to Section 8 for housing. See if you are eligible for Pell Grants. Use free clinics for health care if you aren't covered under your parents' insurance.

I don't condone or condemn you but be prepared for everyone to think less of you for using the social safety net in a parasitic manner. I honestly wish I had the balls to live like this, but I don't. You could live quite respectably if everything panned out right, even if it took a few years for all the benefits to go through.

Good luck, anon.
>> No. 1459
Become a courier. You don't really have to talk to many people. You just pick shit up, chat with a dispatcher over the phone, and deal with the people when you drop off and pick stuff up.
>> No. 1460
On that note of the poster above me, try and find a small tech/hardware business that sells and manages computer equipment for their clients. You can have a good time helping their shop receive and prepare equipment, then deliver it and install it at the clients' location. I've done this and it doesn't involve a lot of thinking. Follow some repetitive setup or unboxing routines, drive while listening to the radio, greet clients who will be expecting you and often have their own tech guys to help and install. Sometimes you can even wear jeans every day.
>> No. 1461
continued from above... sorry haha.
If you live close to your job you can still have lots of free time. My studio apartment is small but its fucking sweet. Cheap rent in a building owned by a company that manages many buildings (so the maintenance is serious and reliable). I have a little japanese futon bed I sleep on, another actual futon couch, a desk and computer, and a huge 60" TV that I saved up for when I was living with my parents. I have good internet and dont buy cable TV, my 60" is my computer monitor haha and thats all I need!

GET A JOB. YES, MAKING A RESUME AND BUYING A CHEAP SUIT WILL TAKE A COUPLE DAYS. Once you have those preparations you can relax and just browse sites for warehouse jobs or what I talked about above. Being on your feet a little and not having to think too hard is low-stress. You cant be happy until you discover who you are, and that means forceing yourself out of your comfort zone so that you can climb a little see the other side of the hill. The other side is all downhill.
>> No. 1484
Take up a hobby and make it your work. Breed rare fishes, rare plants, become an author or learn programming to make your own games. Do something you like.
>> No. 1485
Learn to live without much money. You could go dumpster diving, there's some valuable stuff in there somewhere.

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