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1403 No. 1403
My girlfriend keeps telling me I'm a deadbeat who isn't doing anything with my life. I feel she's being a bit harsh, but I can't help but wonder if she's right (and telling me something none of my other friends have the heart to tell me). Here's pretty much what's going on with my life right now:

>Graduated with my B.A. 2 years ago
>Living at home with my parents, age 27
>No car of my own
>Work from home, usually part time but full time some weeks
>Taking an online language class from a local college
>Applying for grad schools this year
>Have about $500 in my savings account so far, gonna have another $150 in there by the end of this week, want to use it to move downtown where there's a subway and bus system so I wouldn't need a car
>Go to the gym 3x a week, go for walks 2x a week in order to get back in shape

Am I letting her be too hard on me, or do I need to get a move on with my life? She says that the fact that I live at and work from home and don't have a car shows that I do nothing but sit on my ass all day, and that my other endeavors are just me half-assedly pussyfooting around really getting on with my life.

>> No. 1404
You are just on different levels. If she's not comfortable with your pace and you're not willing to step it up, there's a pretty good chance she's going to leave you. She's got the maternal clock ticking and doesn't recognize your relative layabout attitude as providing.

You sound alright to me though, but I'm a man too. Try meeting her halfway for the time being. The apartment downtown should be enough for a little while.
>> No. 1405
I'd say focus on living your own life and going at the pace you desire. You are the only one who can really tell if you are a deadbeat loser, and even then it might just be your insecurity talking. If you feel like you aren't doing something properly, try fixing that. Focus on small goals at a time, and maybe step up for yourself to your girlfriend.
Show her that you are doing what you want to do for yourself, and that you aren't going to be mentally cock-slapped by her back and forth. She might admire you more for taking things on for yourself rather than trying to live to her standards. On the other hand, she may easily want to leave you if you blatantly tell her off or some bullshit like that. However, what is more important? Your current girlfriend, or your life? Women come and go. Is this a woman you want to fight for so badly that you will modify your life to her favorable conditions? If she was right for you, she would want you to be happy doing what you want to do.

Some disclaimers though:

Don't take my advice as some excuse to just live off of your parents.
Don't tell her off, rather speak up for yourself.
I've never been in a relationship, I may not know shit about this subject.
I'm younger than you.

Think for yourself man. I just tried to supply some thoughts on what you presented to me. Not only did you provide a small amount of information, this is the internet and a pity thread and you are possibly providing me with construed factual information.

Anyways, I hope things can go well. Maybe post back and check in?

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