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File 13587494746.jpg - (262.22KB , 673x660 , 1356217198627.jpg )
1335 No. 1335
I'm become indifferent as fuck. It's beyond depression, to the point of not caring.

I don't feel sad or happy. I feel indifferent. It's not like something is missing, it's like my mind is blank.

I have no motivation, most of the things in my life haven't turned out right or at least were not worth the effort I put into them but again I no longer care.

I feel content in my previous failures and now inaction.

I will be moving, my mom will fund any university I want to go to but I don't know where to go, I don't even feel like looking.

I'm not sure what to do.
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>> No. 1336

>> No. 1339
Do you have any other information to provide about yourself?
>> No. 1340
Seek professional help. Force yourself if you have to, but fucking do it. No, the problem won't go away by itself.
>> No. 1342
"Not even caring anymore" is actually a textbook symptom of depression and is actually worse for you then feeling sad, because you've begun to lack motivation to even change things for the better.
>>1340 is right, you need help. I was in quite such a rut as well almost two years ago and therapy helped me immensely, but your mileage may vary depending on your country's health care system and the therapist you happen to be treated by.
It may also help if you tell someone close of your indifference, e.g. your mom, but, honestly, I found that impossible as I didn't want others to worry about me back then.
In any case, the next time you don't feel quite as lethargic and/or sad enough to want to change something about this, get your ass to the doctor's or tell someone you trust about this. I wish you the best.
>> No. 1343

What else is relevant?

I haven't had a GF but it's not too important to me. My sex drive is pretty minimal.

Maybe I have accepted the idea that nothing is worth doing, since the effort put in won't match the rewards given back,
>> No. 1344

It just seems like you described me, but that's impossible because you are me and I am you. If I were in a more psychotic state, this would be too coincidental and I would feel more paranoid than usual about how this post popped up at the time and place it happened to pop up on.

Regardless, you sound exactly like me. I too do not have the motivation nor the care to push myself further than where I am now. However, it does *seem* that I am somehow moving forward, as if on some sort of drift or current that is naturally and gradually improving me as a person. That could easily be a lie constructed to make myself feel better, however.

Maybe try reading when you can? Every little bit helps. Read about depression.
>> No. 1345

You aren't*
>> No. 1375
1) Mental Health problems go in Mind. That said, anhedonia is serious biz. Not that many root causes though. Therapy should be productive if you have a halfway competent shrink.

2) Don't go to college in your current state. It is a waste of time and money. College without ambition is useless and doomed. A degree is not a goal.

sage because 1.

SAGE has been used.
>> No. 1376
File 136001955220.jpg - (28.52KB , 352x199 , hoo-ray.jpg )

Have you considered the possibility that people here have similar problems because similar people of similar means make similar choices?

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