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1283 No. 1283
hey /ask/,

TL;DR: stuck at mom's with nothing to my name and nothing to do.

Let me set a bit of a base for you here. Me then: 25, married, kids, $35k/yr job, everything's going alright, then BAM, I'm in jail.

Someone decided to start saying really nasty things accusing me of stuff, and I don't know if they intended it or not, but word made their way to the police. 16 months of sitting in jail awaiting trial later, charges are dropped because the aforementioned person takes their statement back (and they had no case anyways). Spending all that time with 10+ years hanging over my head has definitely changed my outlook on things.

So forward to me now, 27, wife filed a restraining order and put in divorce paperwork, so I haven't been able to see her or the kids since and I'm staying with my mother. I've got no money, no job, no car, etc. My entire possessions are the clothes my aunt got me when I got out and they fit in a medium sized duffel bag.

I've been applying left and right for jobs, but no luck. My one interview was for a part-time position at the place I worked at in high school. But one of my old managers with nothing better to do with her life but hold grudges for no good reason killed that.

So I'm sitting at my mom's, and it's really been the first time in my life I've not been working or a stay at home father (6 months between jobs, but mostly I've been working 40+ hrs a week since highschool). I've felt kind of lost in that regard. I've taken to Mechanical Turk, for the little bit a month that it costs to have the internet connection here.

Inspired by someone I met and became friends with in jail, I've put in for SSDI benefits, citing depression and anxiety. It was not entirely unfounded, but I just put it in originally as a back up plan in case I couldn't find work. They've got an appointment for me soon to go see a psych; I've never gotten any psych treatment/analysis before, but I'm sure I could have benefited from it.

I want to get out of here, as I'm sharing a room with my 12 year-old brother. I obviously don't have the means now, and the only person I know of that'd want to get a place with me is that aforementioned friend who is still in jail on pre-trial status, but it's looking more and more like he'll end up doing some amount of time.

I'm not really sure what I'm /ask/ing for, but I guess just some general kind of advice. I've been lost and just in a sort of depressed funk lately. Thanks.
>> No. 1284
That's exactly the opposite of how "tl;dr" is used.
>> No. 1285
Holy shit that is the worst thing I've read in a long time. I genuinely feel bad for you and hope that your life takes a turn for the better.

I can definitely understand why you would want to seek SSDI benefits. The only thing I would warn you is, if you do get those benefits don't get stuck in a rut. You seem like you were a really decent, driven person at one point in your life. That's been taken from you, but you have to get it back.

About getting stuck in a rut, I mean that if you do get those benefits, you're going to be less driven to seek work. Then of course, if you get a job offer from a place that's only going to give you a similar amount or less than what you're getting on SSDI, what are you going to do? Stay on SSDI. You want to be someone for your kids to look up to in the future when you get to see them again. Laying in bed, depressed, out of work is terrible and will probably shorten your life, too.
>> No. 1291
Sometimes litigiousness is necessary to keep fuckwits in order.

It sounds like you were slandered, and, as a direct result:
were wrongfully arrested,
lost your job,
spent nearly a year in the poke,
lost your home,
your marriage is shot,
you're having trouble finding work, and
you're such a tatters that you're looking to claim disability.

Lawyer up and show a mutherfucker some consequences.
>> No. 1293
just a retainer would be more than I could ever hope to get from this person anyways. Yes, it's something I've thought of, but practically, it's not worth it.
>> No. 1294
Kinda feels like Old Boy... I would go for a lawyer as well. What about NGOs fighting againt unjust trials ? This needs payback, at least for your peace of mind.
>> No. 1296
A court can authorize wage garnishment.
Sure the fatmouth shit might not have much money, but you can make sure that they never have any money. In fact, all of their expendable income could become yours until you are compensated for damages.
>> No. 1298
You can take the advice that you should lawyer up and seek vengeance and be stuck in the past or you can see this for what it is: a blessing. You're free! You should have been incarcerated for 10 years? And she recanted it? That never happens. In those 10 years you would have made a single mistake. That added on another year or so. And then it would have spiraled. Life without parole. Life in hell.

But you're fucking free. What the fuck?! Get away from your mom, your ex whore wife, your problems, your comfort zone. Go and climb a goddamn mountain. You're not supposed to ever see a tree again. Go learn how to cook. Learn how to feel your emotions that you would have been denied if you got stuck in that hell hole.

Go be alive and forget the past. You have the future, and you know how much that shit is worth after almost not ever having it.
>> No. 1306
Legally speaking, OP isn't going to get shit through litigation. The best thing to do is forget your past (beating the shit out of the guy making BS claims is optional) and attempt to get your life back on track.

Self-improvement and whatnot. Go back to school, get a hobby, etc.

Drop the wife (I'm not sure about the whole story, but if she's getting a restraining order based on false accusations, she's probably a bitch)
Get back into the game, learn pickup, it could change your life.
>> No. 1317
OP what state do you live in?
>> No. 1318
>> No. 1322
Truck jobs are a plenty and most company's will pay/remburse you for trucking school. It only take about 3weeks to get your cdl

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