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1255 No. 1255
I went out last friday with my male friend and two girls he knew. One of the girls thought I was "gorgeous" and she told her friend, who told my friend, who told me. I thought she was cute so I hit on her and got her number.

I call her yesterday (tuesday), no answer. She works a ton, so okay. I leave a voicemail saying hi its blah blah blah called to see how you were doing sorry i missed you we should hang this saturday, hit me up." (I later learned she didn't check her voicemail till today, so hence the upcoming confusion). She texts me saying "who is this". I say its so and so, we were dancing at blah blah last friday, you gave me your #". she texts back "okay haha". At this point I think she's a bitch and give up.

Today she texts me saying "Hey i just got your voicemail, sorry! I never check my messages haha, what were you thinking of doing?".

Unfortunately, I told her what I originally planned on doing, going to a local ted talk event and then dinner and dancing. Even though I get the confusion that happened I'm already over her and pissed off. I already felt rejected and over it. I can't be an asshole though, her friend and my friend have a thing going on so I can't damage anything or it'd be awkward.

The only excuse I cant think of is saying the ted talk is sold out or something dumb, and saying since it's finals right now (thank god) and I fly home early next week that next semester would be more convenient, and then just don't call her.

I'm also debating just telling her what I wrote her, explaining to her why I feel how I feel and saying sorry or something. Would that work?

What do?

tl;dr I ask a girl out who I knew was into me, stupid communication error happens and I think she awkwardly rejected me when she was really waiting for me to make a move. I've changed my mind and don't want to ask her out anymore but she wants to go out.
>> No. 1256
God damn you are annoying.
>> No. 1257
por que?
>> No. 1259
You're more of a whiny cunt than annoying, really.

Ooooh boo hoo this girl is into me but I don't wanna play anymore because phone broek.

This is not /ask/ material. Just do whatever. There's no fixing this tremendous fuckup.

SAGE has been used.
>> No. 1263
Relationship questions go in /docta/

That said, I'm pretty sure you like dick.
Admit this to yourself and then to the girl.
You could still end up with a dancing partner.

SAGE has been used.
>> No. 1266
Wait so... there was a mild communication error and now you don't want to go out with her any more? Why not? That seems kind of petty... arbitrary even.

>next semester would be more convenient, and then just don't call her.
Good god, don't be such a passive-aggressive little baby. Be direct, one way or the other. EIther go out with her or just tell her you changed your mind (for god knows what reason) and don't want to go out any more.

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